I love my little monkey

Aug 19, 2005 10:21

My neice will be 3 years old on Sept 7th, here are some funny stories.

1. My sisters (her aunts) are young (8, 9, 12, 15...) and they can't punish her so they alway threaten to tell, but they never do tell. On Sunday they were out back on their swing set. I don't know what was going on but I heard my sister Kieari say "I'm going to tell on you if you don't stop" so I went out to see what was going on because my neice has a habit of throwing rocks at people that piss her off (LMFAO). So my neice tells her "Well go tell then, 'cause you know you're not really gonna do it. I should throw a rock at you for lying to me!"

2. My siter (my neices mom) dropped something and my neice says to her "Mommy you dummy, be careful" and my sister says "Why would you call me a dummy, that's so mean". To that my neice says "Because you don't like it when I call you a butt hole"

3. Yesterday night this little girl took the hugest dump EVER. Good thing she is potty trained because I would've hated to changed that diaper. The thing is, she didn't flush the toilet and I walk in the bathroom thinking my dad did that, because the log is so enourmous. But nope, it was my little 30 pound neice who passed something that could've easily been 5 inches long and about 1 inch wide. No more red meat for her
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