
Mar 27, 2022 10:05

On top of the night last night just being totally wonk, the thing I looked forward to today got cancelled.

200 people in a cramped room just made serving nightmarish on top of everyone not ordering the same thing. We served in a way that didn't particularly make sense, walking around through the maze of places we could and couldn't make it to because of how people were sitting was stressful. The printed list for meals was a hot mess and was hard for everyone to read.

Not sure how Angie wasn't just a raging bitch but she did it without having any semblance of freak out. I think we had enough hands on deck that everything was taken care of? It's hard to say. We definitely didn't start on time but we got out pretty fast. We had a few teens working with us and I could tell this was their first job... hard work. "I haven't sat down in hours" bruh... What's sitting? None of us have sat down in hours and then maybe some. Character is being built, I think.

The guests though all looked amazing in their attire, not quite sure what the theme was but there were a lot of sparkles and very fun, funky things worn. Color everywhere but it wasn't like a color splash type feel. Someday I would love to go to events like that, maybe not necessarily bidding at auctions even if it was for a good cause but just going and eating, being social, drinking wine, maybe dancing. It sounds like such a good time. I've never done anything like that except at only the few weddings I've ever attended. Just being able to dress up and go places just seems so fun. Maybe that could be me someday.

Couldn't go to bed right away when I got home, didn't do much of anything aside from being tired. I forgot what massive serving like that was like. I've always bartended at events like these. My tray game is pretty weak these days but in instances like last night, I would prefer to carry the tray and have someone else serve. Got paired with one of the teens and he was tall, not Kevin tall but he was tall. I had him serve, being tall is a boon, all that reaching.

I worked on transmog stuff when I got home and got really lucky with the two drops I needed. One of which was an extra bonus roll off of Kazzak in Tanaan. How lucky was that? Do I look amazing? I might. I got a compliment almost immediately when I went back to Oribos so maybe my character does?

These fleeting things.

Kevin cancelled today, not feeling social and just drained. Maybe that's why I felt meh yesterday? I kind of had a feeling. I'm grateful to have seen him briefly on Tuesday then, who knows when I'll see him next? The following weekend? I read the message of him cancelling and my heart just sank and I felt a bout of sad and I'm pretty sure I must straight up frowned. Very disappointing and I get it, depression is a mood. I've been there. I wish I could help him but I can't help if he doesn't ask for it and I don't want to be offering and overbearing. Not really sure what to do. I hope this passes soon.

I miss him.

Tomorrow is a new day and a new start.
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