the end is near...

Jun 02, 2004 07:48

3 more days, 2 more sleeps... but whos counting ?

I have no idea whats around the corner for me, it's a little nerve-racking, a little exciting...

I have been deleting files, photos, emails from my work PC... forwarding things I want to keep.. and of course, packing my things... I'm ready to go.

I seem to be the counseller for friends, in which case, I don't mind because I like helping people, I dont like anyone to feel they are alone.. and it takes my mind off my own life as well. I have recently came across a new friend, much older then me, who seems to have no idea where her life is headed, shes actually got a quite normal life, but has very high expectations to what she feels her life should be, in order to class herself as happy or successful.. its kinda sad.. I have tried to put things into perspective, tried to focus on all the positives shes has going.. but every reply back is one of "too hard, tried that, im no good"... etc that sort of thing.. I hate seeing and hearing this chick be like this, she actually envies ME of all people... god only knows why, but she does and thinks IM so fantastic and postive.. (if only she knew how untrue that was).. so I am trying to live up to this role model she has made me.. I have let her in on a few truths about me, to show her Im very very normal, I have def. got my fair share of shit and my problems I have to deal with on a daily basis.. I want her to see, that everyone has problems, no-one is perfect and you need to take the good with the bad, and theres always someone a lot worse off then you... but whilst she agrees with what I say, she still feels a complete failure.. I mean, shes spent years at uni, shes moved countries in not the easiest or nicest of situations... shes working for a large global company, shes earning more then me... whats she got to be sad about? I personally think she has so much to be happy about, and so many reasons to be proud of herself for.. well today, I am going to continue on my quest to cheer her up.. wish me luck.

On a happier note, my living dead doll collection has increased this week by 4 minis... and of course my buddy ol' pal Kaz has bought me an exclusive as well, which I cant wait to see and give Karen the biggest huggle and kiss ever for... Im buying a cork board to put all my mini's on... I have to stay away from LDD and Tomb Raiders for a bit... or else I will spend all my $ on them.. its just too tempting.. but there is just a few more I MUST get before I cool it for a while..

Apparently Britney Spears is "fat" again... *cough-fucking-cough*.. fat my butt media people... god help celebs... they skinny, they are bad role models, put on a few kilos and have an ass you can actually grab, and they are slammed for being junk food addicts and depressed fatties... for crying out loud !

Must go, time to eat Tim-Tams and Mint Slice... now I know I have an ass you can grab with two hands, but who cares... I give good head...
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