
Mar 11, 2004 13:54

Well, my last entry was private cause it had some good old fashioned shit talk.

Havent posted in a looooong time. My life has changed so much lately.. now I live back in good ol' Smack-Town.. eh its a hole. Give me back my crummy lil unit at Meadowbank... I wanna walk around in the nude and drop my shit where I want, when I want.. but mostly just sit down naked infront of the Tele and stuff my face with pizza..

I miss Kaz being a 15min drive away for me to eat cheesecake with and laugh at skanky whores with..

Pepsi is happier at Smackertown, got a big house to run around and play in.. loves Mum, but hates the evil Sean...

Mums in hospital today, has an operation in her throat, Im a wuss-bag and scared to visit her because she will have tubes and stuff in her and a drain on her throat, ewwwwwwwwwwwww *pass out*

*Lana looks at belly* Im hungry... I need food and have nothing to talk about
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