this lady just called me (well, the helpdesk) and wanted to know what she needed to do in order to change her email password.
her: okay, so, what do i put in for the domain?
me: OT, like the name of the company (censored, of course)
her: and account?
me: the alias you use
her: alias? like the show?
no, ma'am, your username.
her: oh, okay.
her: okay, what about here, where is says, CONFIRM NEW PASSWORD?
that's where you CONFIRM the password.
her: okay, but i don't know what to put
me: type what you typed in the first password box.
her: okay, i'll try it.
she works for a multi-million dollar real estate company and doesn't know the meaning of the word CONFIRM?!? it's not like i asked her to determine the make and model of her SCSI card or some shit...
i told my manager and he went,
and shook his head