Two anniversaries

Apr 15, 2012 22:23

1. I bought a cactus on a whim when David and I moved into the apartment and it is STILL ALIVE. Those of who don't know me well may be unimpressed by this announcement, seeing as how it's a cactus and designed to withstand some pretty cruel treatment, but I am magic when it comes to murdering plants. And I bought an aloe plant and that is still alive too. One more week and I get to justify buying a real, long term planter and introduce them to each other by replanting them together with some other fun, hard to kill thing.

2. The Boy and I celebrated two years together. We did this buy going to the restaurant we went to on our third (and most successful of our early interactions) date. We feasted upon amazing carbs and smiled moonily at each other and then came home and lie in bed, digesting and ignoring each other in favor of our respect favorite bits of technology. I looooooooooove him.

Unrelated to anniversaries:

Work has been going well which means I have been very happy and very terrified that the rug will get pulled out from under me. I have one set of goals that I am very nervous about, but my boss is giving me some leeway soon that should help me spend more time reaching that goal and less time dealing with unrelated bull shit. Last week was a little tough on me because I was literally dealing with a ridiculous amount of "I know you are but what am I?" type attitudes from grown men (and they were indeed all men) who RUN. BUSINESSES. Why responding to a polite piece of business correspondence with a reasonable amount of professionalism was so beyond them, I don't know. I only know that it frustrated the hell out of me that I could not get just as sassy back at them. Sometimes it really sucks being the bigger person.

The headaches have died down almost entirely. I'm dragging my feet about going to the ophthalmologist, I completely admit but I am so tired of doctors and I don't want to spend any amount of money on glasses, if indeed I do need glasses for a vision problem that changes every three days. UGH. I will go before May. I think. Probably.


For a hot minute I was desperately in love with Agron and Nasir from Spartacus, but hot damn, a lot of the people on tumblr who post to the "Nagron" tag are whiny, annoying, self-important, or just plain wet blankets. Which is actually kind of the problem I'm dealing with IN GENERAL when it comes to fandom on tumblr. I never thought I would start nudging into Bored Parent territory in fandom, but I feel so OLD and TIRED and NOT-GIVING-A-FUCK compared to the teenage youngins.

I want to write, I have 8 drafts in my email that are totally stuck and I could probably blame myself, and my extreme contentment with my healthy relationship with both a houseplant and a boy, but I also want to blame fandom.

LIKE OH MY GOD, Example: Brian Joubert and Florent Amodio were climbing all the fuck over each other at the world championships and all I wanted to do was go somewhere and talk about how they should make out and be all French about it, but I don't know where people talk about RPS figure skating stuff any more because the skating fandom was so FUCKED and elitist that I never finished a story I dearly loved and never started others because half of the fandom preferred an anon meme based in being mean and secretive and not particularly helpful to encouraging fic.

I don't want to spend 7 hours on AIM a night like I did when I was 17 because I've got to do the dishes and go to bed before 3am, but I miss understanding how to get everything working together right for maximum productivity.

In summary, re:fandom- waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
In summary, re:everything else though- yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
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