For not posting for a month? Are you surprised? I'm not. Curse you tumblr. (But on that same note, I love you, tumblr.)
5 Things you need to know:1. The boy and I have been living together for a month now, and it's still awesome. Monday when he came home, we just lay in bed and talked for an hour before getting up to make dinner. It was hella
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2) Sherlock: SQUEEEEE. I don't know why I didn't mention this, but I watched all three eps and the unaired pilot (which is actually a little gayer than the real pilot, if that's possible). Looooved them. I don't know about the slash between them, because I don't really know that anyone could write Sherlock in a way that I'd find remotely believable (I've looked, so far no one has). But still, that show is almost slashy enough as it is.
3) Skating. Meh. :p
1) LOL, I don't think I would even BE Candy La Rue if Loki wasn't my favorite character. Who would I be if I didn't love the slim, dark haired weirdo that needs a hug? Also I have 5k of a really weird prompt on the norsekink meme that is Thor/Loki, and Iron Man/Captain America. (What? IDK.) But it's funny. And weird. And I'm sending it to you right now.
2) I haven't watched the other two episodes yet, but I am afraid NOTHING could ever be as blatant as that first episode. THEY GIGGLE BREATHLESSLY together at one point. I was amazed.
3) Skating is amazing.
1) IT'S SO VERY TRUE, RIGHT? Tess is very much pro-Thor, and I am very torn between Thor and Loki, mostly because I thought Tom Hiddleston basically ate all the scenery in any scene he was in. He was really very awesome, even if a lot of the rest of it wasn't. (I actually really liked it, though.) ANYWAY. CAN'T WAIT TO READ.
2.) Yes, giggling breathlessly. But the unaired pilot has Sherlock getting drugged and dragged into the car with the cabbie outside the restaurant, and Watson forgetting he has a limp in order to run after Sherlock and attempt to save his life. So. Mostly I dearly love that his overwhelming concern/INTENSE LOVE for Sherlock heals his wounds. :))))
3) I'll take your word for it.
2) I really can't wait for the episode that has the scene that everyone always gleefully reblogs on tumblr. Because I am a sucker for the guy who claims to have no feelings but then is suddenly frantic because his previously unrealized) beloved is threatened.
3) You do that.
2) idk what people keep putting on tumblr, but do you mean the one where Watson's been strapped with bombs? Because that scene was beautiful. Gah, I love them so much. I haven't been in love with almost any of the slash I've found for it because no one seems to be able to do Sherlock well, but the show is almost enough for me anyway. I would DEARLY LOVE for their love to become even more textual on screen, but based on interviews with the creators, I highly doubt it, even though it's the forward thinking UK. The actors are also super adorable. Apparently Benedict Cumberbatch has said on camera that he wants a pocket Martin that he can carry around and play with. ADORABLE.
2) Yes, exactly! Watson strappedup with bombs and Sherlock being all serious and whatever, and then RUSHING FORWARD CONCERNED. Verreh nice. Is that in episode 2 or 3?
I wish there was a Spike TV for women. I want an unrealistic show about gay crime fighters and I don't want it to be about them having a kid, or dealing with inequality. I want them to punch bad guys, spend two seasons in the thralls of UST and then they make out. I would die happy if I could have that.
2) that happened in the third ep, and if you're just wanting the uber gay, I might skip the second. It's kind of boring, and Watson tries to go on a date with a chick. Snooze. Plus, you'll get to the crazy gay sooner. :))
That sounds like my IDEAL SHOW, yes. Agh, that would be glorious.
Also, I completely skipped over the part where you told David about fandom. Did you happen to mention that's how we met? Because I have to brace myself for the next time I see him, if that is the case. :p
And I thought I WOULD be writing fan fic about Charles/Erik but I didn't realize that it was going to be such a fucking huge bummer. All I want to read is AUs where like Charles owns a petstore or something, or Erik is a doctor and Charles his patient. Basically anything that has NOTHING TO DO with their tragic real character arc.
My Charles/Erik idea is basically a fix it, where I throw out the entirety of X-men canon and the second half of the movie in general. They become friends, mind fuck each other a lot, fall in love, and when faced with the opportunity, Erik can't kill KEVIN BACON (what was his name again?) because he loves Charles too much. So Charles kills KEVIN BACON because clearly the man can't be allowed to live, but Erik couldn't be the one to do it. And Erik instead of being pissed he doesn't get his revenge, realizes that Charles loves him enough to not let him destroy himself. Many kisses, the end.
This right here. With the wedding cake.
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