Nov 28, 2010 19:24

If you love me and want me to be happy, you'd volunteer yourself to telling me how to finish this damn Johnny/Stephane pwp I wanted to get out of my system before the holiday is over. They're making out in a locker room, but I'm stupidly like "What now?"

In other news, Trophée Eric Bompard. I didn't do a write up right after I watched it so I'm probably never going to. I'm very upset that Joubert had to withdraw. :( Takahiko got a MONSTER score for a great skate, Florent was flawless and adorable and I want him for Christmas, and ugh. Mroz. So I'm glad that Brian didn't disappoint either me or himself by not beating Mroz. But I wish he'd wowed me and everyone else with a great free skate and subsequently had beaten Mroz.

OMG YAY MIRAI. God this girl. She's too stinking cute. Her reaction in the kiss and cry. I just wanted to pinch her cheeks and squee with her. I can't believe she messed up that spin when she's usually SO good at it, but still. She did so great. Better than Ms. Kiira, IMO, but I love Mirai waaay too much to say I'm not biased. I also wish Alissa had shown us a beautiful clean skate in the free because it was really a beautiful program. I liked it at Skate Canada but I was loving it Saturday. I'm going to hope against hope she places well at the final. Mao placed 5th. Which is not great, but it's better than 8th.

Nathalie and Fabian were adorable, I really didn't like Chock and Zuerlin's free dance for some reason. What the hell was going on during the Ice Dance segment, btw. So many crazy needless falls. Asher Hill and his partner, I thought, had a pretty decent program. I liked it anyway. The Russians were clearly very good, but I remember very little about their dance right now. Ah well.

I slept through pairs again. Alas.

white skates of gender conformity, grand prix 2010-2011

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