So much skating and sugar

Oct 04, 2010 09:30

My Sunday, everybody. It's going to be difficult to describe how amazing it was because it makes me sound like an awful person, but OH WELL. Basically, I got up at 10 in the morning, left my house to go skating and then came right back home. And that was it. No social engagements. No errands. No twenty minutes in the car to and from. I answered a few text messages and that was the extent of my social interaction.

Instead I watched a movie. I crocheted. I spent copious hours on the internet. I ate a metric fuckload of carbs in the form of pasta, homemade vanilla cookies, and cheddar rice cakes. (I also did some laundry, and the dishes and such.) It was a glorious day of nothing. It was a bit impractical and anti-social. But it was exactly what I needed.

Honest to God, if I hadn't spent yesterday getting all that downtime I probably would not have come into work today. Instead I just hit the snooze for too long and came in 12 minutes late, so I'm not exactly a new woman. But I also managed to put on adult clothes and bring a lunch, which is more than I would have been capable without a Sunday like I had.

I think I have a new plan on how to juggle all the things I have to do with all the things I want to do. I have two new rules:

1) I have to spend at least two nights at home a week.
2) And I have to get at least seven hours of sleep a night.

I need to stay home some nights because it's not like I can look for jobs while getting dinner at a restaurant. I need to get seven hours of sleep a night because my migraines were beginning to act up a lot again and also Candice on some sleep is a lot more genial and able to handle rapid changes in plans than Candice on no sleep.

Unfortunately this means that I'm going to end up saying "No" more than I have been. That's not something I generally like to do, but it's do or die at this point. I need to spend October finding another job or I am hosed. Actually hosed. I kept thinking I would just get a second job and wait it out, but I think I realized that there is no way I can fit a second job into my schedule so I have to leave this one. I'm also trying not to panic at the idea that I won't be able to find one. So uh. Changing subject, changing subject!

The Boy wants to spend more time together, as well. Which is awesome and adorable and I'm so glad that our relationship is progressing, but I had to tell him flat out that if he wanted to spend more time with me that was going to be semi-boring time. Of course I still want to go out one or two nights a week, but if he wants a third night it's going to be watching a movie while doing laundry or going to the grocery store. I'm happy to entertain him by making dinner and blathering about my many, many opinions but I have to be getting shit done at the same time or he'll become a source of stress and I'll get resentful. He seemed okay with that.

And I'm mostly okay with that. I really wish my life were more weekend getaways and cocktail parties every night but maybe that'll happen sometime soon. Until then, time to buckle down.


operation 2010: try being an adult

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