A problem involving the insatiable desire I have to talk about myself. Right now, right this very second, I have the following blogs and microblogs:
Almost entirely real life:
- a facebook (not linked for obvious reasons)
a twitter (currently protected)
Figure skating:
a tumblr-
a blog Mix of both:
- this LJ
I actually never sign in to facebook. Or rather, I sign in about 1 to 2 times a month and post very little information about myself. I think this is primarily because I think facebook is ugly and too busy and also I added a bunch of high school friends back in the day and I find myself thinking, "Jesus do I even CARE about your new puppy, girl I've not seen in 10 years?" The only reason I keep it is to stalk ex and current boyfriends and to keep track of my sister and her family.
As for twitter, I tweet while at work and desperately bored and craving contact, but I go on radio silence during the weekends mostly. This is primarily because I'm away from my computer on the weekends, and I'm too lame to figure out how to make my phone tweet. It's most useful as a way to stalk my friends and celebrities without having to resort to facebook. Since I hate facebook, I'll always love twitter. But one thing I really dislike is that I,
like Patrick Stewart, don't enjoy being limited to 140 characters.
Tumblr is the newest addition to my life, but oh man I am IN LOVE with my tumblr. I love the reblogging option, I love scheduling posts, I love the themes, and I love the feeling of not having any community rules. I follow people with impunity, reblog/like whatever I want, no one is friends only, I don't have to comment, I don't have to sit through years long posts about their drama just because we like the same fannish things. It's just pictures, and videos, and prettiness. Tumblr, I'm sorry I resisted understanding you for so long.
My blog! I don't think I've talked about it very much because I wanted to make sure the idea stuck. It's called Deth Spïralz: A Blog. Basically it's about my friend and I becoming adult figure skaters and all the lame life lessons you learn while falling down and challenging yourself and experiencing huge amounts of blade envy. It's like Be Good Johnny Weir in written form, but without the fame, natural talent, or nakedness. We got the idea to start it while drunk at a Stars on Ice show. LIKE YOU DO. What I like most about it is that writing an entry for it feels like REAL writing. Even if fewer people see it than this LJ. And I don't know how to promote it. And because it feels like real writing I'm lazy about updating it. Whatever. Book deal any day now! (Sigh, not really.)
This LJ. I've had it since I was 17. So it's practically the complete chronicles of my transition to adulthood. It has entries from every year of the last decade of my life, but everything but the last three years is protected in part because let's just say the blatherings of 18 year old me were... a little overshare-y and lacking in perspective. As were the ramblings of 21 year old me. I'm probably still overly dramatic. And I definitely like sharing. Overly. And I love that people feel that they can do the same, but as a result I tend to be more selective about who I add because I'm not used to not reading every entry on my flist. I don't skip. I read it all.
The other great thing about LJ is that I feel way closer to the people on my LJ than I do on my facebook (family excluded). In part because I can SAY to my flist things I would NEVER say to my non-fannish friends and family. As opposed to facebook where I can talk about say 75% of my life and my interests, in LJ I can talk about 95% of it. Sometimes I have to tip toe around real life names or events or whatever, but I never censor my personality. If I want to complain about deeply personal things, I do. If I want to talk about boys kissing, I do. If I want to talk about serious things or flights of fancy, I do. I just put it out there and so does almost everyone and it's very, very freeing. If I were to die, I sincerely hope my family doesn't stumble upon this LJ and decide I was not only a pervert because of the fandom stuff but a whiner as well. But that's exactly what they would discover.
Biggest downside: Because LJ feels so intimate to me I feel like it has all these rules and social mores and it's a genuine COMMUNITY that you have to respect... it can get wearing. But though I might eventually get tired of twitter or tumblr. The blog may be abandoned, and I might go four months without signing into facebook but I NEED my LJ.
Anyway, BAM! Talking about myself talking about myself. How's that for meta?
(<3 you all)