So I guess I'm doing that thing

Jan 26, 2010 20:58

So I guess I'm doing that thing where you get a twitter and suddenly you don't update your LJ anymore because really, what's the point when there's all this instant gratification to be had? That said though, while I do like twitter a lot more than I thought I would I kind of miss being able to give nice rambling comments on posts, or to respond to people's comments.

The lost art of the letter LJ post. Dead now these past twelve days.

Anyway, big news in the land of fandom. I'm writing het. Like serious het. Like sexy het. Sexy het with TWO women and one guy. It's frightening! I've enjoyed reading it more lately, but writing it is like learning to ride a bike all over again. I don't have that same grab bag of ready descriptors, and it feels so weirdly PERSONAL being a woman writing about a woman. But frankly, I'm happy to slog through the marshes because Joe/Veronicas is rapidly becoming canon and don't you all want to be on the forefront of this revolution with me and Mediaville and the cool kids?

Also, I'm happy to announce that Nick and Joe and Garbo were all in the same place at some point today. Probably making out. At least that's what I hear.

Also, Joe met Daniel Craig meaning that we can all badger blackwayfarers constantly for the fic he's going to write me about how they meet by chance and then start fucking with no hats on.

Also, Joe sort of admitted he dated Chelsea Staub.

Also, Joe sort of wants to date the entire world. I approve.

I got another migraine today. It was mild, but I just don't know what is going on with my stupid body. All weekend, I drank, ate non-routine foods, slept irregularly, danced, etc. No headaches. Monday didn't drink at all, ate entirely normally, exercised, and was pretty relaxed all things considered. BAM! Migraine at 8am the next day. WTF? Is this my body's way of telling me to keep drinking?

I haven't called my doctor to tell her yet. I should be getting the blood work back soon and maybe I'll mention it then. I was able to just take two Aleve and get over it. I even went to the gym today and ran for twenty minutes, walked for fifteen with no problems. I think the secret might be that I'm not getting enough sleep. I'm going to try and be good about that today.

What else? Oh! Operation 2010: "Maybe Try Acting Like an Adult" is going pretty well. I vacuumed. I've been eating the food I bought and have at home as opposed to the impulse buying food. The dishes have been done. I went to the gym. The thermostat is a reasonable temp. I'm thinking about doing my taxes. NEWSFLASH: Being adult is actually kind of god damned boring.

But that's okay because I'm pretty sure if I went and checked the mail there'd be some Rope a Virgin Rodeo tickets waiting for me. I'll check tomorrow morning to make sure that Ticketmaster didn't somehow screw me. And I'm pretty sure that I still qualify as young at heart because today I talked to a guy called "Dick Woods" and sort of giggled.

This has all been kind of blathery. I have some much deeper thoughts to impart I swear, particularly about how I'm feeling about my new found social life, my involuntary celibacy, and it'd be nice to natter on a bit about my hopes and dreams for the coming months. Unfortunately, I'm tired, I had a headache today, and I want to go to bed at nine in the evening.

Adulthood is so GOD DAMNED BORING.

migraines, have you pondered joe/____?, i do stuff, straight up blather, joe jonas is perfect, operation 2010: try being an adult

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