Joesus heals

Jan 18, 2010 10:12

Ugh. I can't believe I just made a Joesus joke. But it seems apt considering yesterday I was wailing in my LJ about migraines and brain tumors and stroking out on the treadmill.

Anyway, the worst thing about migraines is the aura/visualization which makes it hard to focus, making me instantly nauseous, and, as stated before, makes me think that I'm stroking out. It's all I can do not to cry, "No! No! I won't go into the light! I'm not ready!" when they happen. But the best thing about the aura is that it least it gives me a chance to take two naproxen sodiums and get ready for a nap.

After I went down for about an hour I woke up, bought my ticket to the Rope a Virgin Rodeo in Houston, and then went for a walk around Town Lake. It was a nice mild day, and there were men with their shirts off. Good times. Also these two funny things happened:

- We saw an adorable gay couple walking by, holding hands.

My friend, jennerose was like, "Oh! That made my day. It's funny because before I saw them I thought they were brothers they looked so much alike."

To which I replied, completely innocently, "Who's to say they aren't?"

- We passed two Jonas lookalikes walking somewhere, likely towards an area for an amateur band photoshoot. It was Kevin circa 2009 and Joe circa 2008. No seriously. Fake!Kevin was wearing a plaid shirt, had short curly hair and pale skin. Fake!Joe had that long wavy mop of hair Joe was rocking during Living the Dream, an almost identical plaid shirt, and mirrored aviators. It was more than a little amazing.

In other news:

1) I'll be calling a doctor during my lunch break. (Bleh.)

2) Even though I did a lot of fruity breathing exercises in order to calm down enough to go to sleep, I had stress nightmares last night. Up to and including watching a ritual suicide, and kittens getting run over (WORST).

3) In reaction to that, tonight's plans are:
- making Turkey Sloppy-Joes (THESE ARE SO DELICIOUS!)
- at least ten minutes of gentle yoga.
- take a bubble bath with a glass of wine.
- writing drabbles
- Counting Joe's eyelashes in all the HQs coming out.

migraines, stressssssss, joe jonas is perfect

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