I almost didn't sit down and write this

Jan 03, 2010 03:14

But then I decided that since I haven't posted for several days, and my memory was only going to get worse, I would grace you with my...

Nick Jonas and the Administration Concert Recap:
Or, in fact, you can win at music, Nick Jonas.

-- First: I LOVE liminalliz, mangojellytoast, AND pwincess SO MUCH!! Best party favor from the fandom EVER was meeting these girls. Between singing like fools, to complaining about people, to eating at greasy diners (note: Lizzen, not the biggest fan of this), talking about past chools/cities/people we have in common, and critiquing Nick J's every move, this was an insanely fun trip. And I'm THRILLED I've met and become friends with these people.


-- Second: Nick J mentioned Mr. Joseph Adam Jonas TWICE during the concert in these long rambles. (Well several times, he mentioned the Kevin and Joe at some point, and family being there to support him).

First time was: "This is Joe's favorite song ever ::ramble, ramble:: and I'm going to play it ::ramble, ramble:: <333333 YOU, JOE!" (The song, btw, was I Just Want to Celebrate). Yes, that's correct. Nick dedicated exactly 1 song, and it was to his brother. He said songs were ABOUT people, written BY other people, etc. etc. But the one song he says he's playing FOR someone, or BECAUSE of someone, it was Joe. I LOVE IT.

Second time was: "Some of you may think Joe is funny, but I'm actually funnier ::ramble ramble:: ::bad knock-knock joke:: I'm still learning banter!"

Lizzen and I had tin hats and believed he was looking up at Joe a lot during the concert, but based on where Joe apparently was, this was impossible. Whatever. He was looking at Joe with his heart. True facts.

-- Third: Music. I was very, very, very pleased with the music. I think this actually will be an amazing CD. It was just as funky/bluesy as I wanted it to be for the most part. Who I Am was by far the blandest song musically. At least live. I'm not saying there weren't one or two weak songs in the set, but by and large the songs were really enjoyable.

Tops: Rose Garden, Olive and Arrow, In The End, Inseparable, the verses of Conspiracy Theory (but NOT the chorus), State of Emergency.

Middles: The covers, Last Time Around, Who I am, and the slower Tonight.

Bottoms: World is Spinning (?), and the brand new piano ballad, whatever that was. Strong? Stronger? idk. Neither song stuck with you. Black Keys/A Little Bit Longer felt... pointless. It mostly seemed like Nick just wanted a chance to do his speech, and the music was the least important part of the process BY FAR.

Vocally, Nick did do a lot of tricks, and covered a lot of his range, and sometimes I loved his falsetto and sometimes I didn't. I'd like to see what he did on the record. But all in all, it was really good. Lyrically, I could not tell you. I couldn't hear him well enough to get words.

Though he did have the gem, "Something so right, how can it be wrong?" or something the effect. Which made me glee for the Joe/Nick possibilities and laugh at the hilarity of the sentiment.

-- Fourth: Sonny T. is awesome and apparently can TALK like a Muppet as well as look like one. He also refused to tell a joke, I believe, because Nick Jonas doesn't PAY him to tell jokes, and if he wants jokes, Nick Jonas better cough up the cash. Also, he apparently was like, "And we're done, son" when Nick tried to go for another bow at the end of the show. Also, he's just bouncy and hilarious and an amazing guitar player. Sonny T. could probably top Nick as my favorite member of the Administration.

Nick is incredibly lucky to have snagged himself such a well put together set of musicians. If there had been anything off in Nick's backing band the show would have plummeted quickly to mediocre. But the band was incredibly tight and were just constantly an asset. (Note to self: See Prince live).

-- Fifth: The crowd was an unfortunate mix of children (who could not see in General Admission which is something I would think people would have realized), us, cool teenagers, and bad teenagers. I was next to the bad teenager who screamed "I LOVE YOU NICK!" at every possible interval in my ear. I could have KILLED her by the end of the concert, because apparently she didn't think he'd heard her the first TWENTY-FIVE TIMES. But other girls were a lot more calm and prone to smile and joke and ask about who was being seen by the crowd.

-- And finally, Nick himself. He looked pretty good, loved his jacket, laughed at the t-shirt, appreciated the lack of hat/headband. He seemed thinner than he did in the world tour, at one point I was definitely thinking "He looks so seventeen!." I don't know if it was the venue, but he seemed so wee.

He was a lot more engaging than one might have expected from seeing him in Jonas Brothers concerts, but he also had a WICKED case of "serious artist" voice. Like, when he spoke to this crowd it was with this specific cadence that reminded SO STRONGLY of the opening chat session to Dana Carvey's "Chopping Broccoli." (Actual quote: "It's about how we as people are surprised when humans do the things that humans do") Also, at one point he said his motto for the new year was "New Year, New Beginnings." Deep thinker, that Nick J.

And of course he was often wildly smug, (he's Nick J!) and often very overwrought his facial expressions while playing guitar and he milked the crowd for applause once or twice. But honestly, one of the most annoying things was that he tried to do a lot of call and response and lead us in claps, but because he's Nick J, he wanted us to do it perfectly, and it sort of felt like an impromptu music class. I don't think Nick knows yet that most of us are tone deaf, and can't follow rapid changes in rhythm. Or maybe he knows but he doesn't care.

Lizzen and I both said that by the end we felt like minions. I said that if he'd asked us to do much more singing I would have asked to be paid for my services.

This is not to say I didn't find him charming. I did! Musically, vocally, and (when I could hear the lyrics) lyrically I totally enjoyed the show. I missed Joe, but I appreciated that the show revealed that this is a more jam oriented band. Frankly, Joe would not have had a lot to do while on stage unless he got the tambourine out. And Kevin (perhaps even John Taylor?), maybe not quite on par to Sonny T's ability. So I can see why it absolutely had to be a side project, and it's one I'll definitely, definitely enjoy. (Just not more than the Jo Bros.)

Biggest disappointment Not seeing Joe in his cowboy hat supporting his undercover brother lover. We had an AMAZING view. Or rather, everyone over 5'5" did (sorry Danielle!) but we ended up under the balcony, unable to see the side that the family was apparently on. So, not even a glimpse of Joe, the family, and Not!Demi. Oh well, though, that's what the internet is for.

There is MORE to talk about, like Nick ad-libbing the Owl City lyrics, maybe more song critiques once I watched the vids. But it's 3:15 and no one is awake to squee with me so I should probably just... go to bed.

Nick J is off the Chain

i do stuff, wanna hear me talk about the jonas bros?, wtf nick j?

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