Coming into work today was nothing short of brutal.

Dec 21, 2009 08:40

I got enough sleep to be sure, and my nightmares, though again containing zombies, were a lot less stressful as I decided to regard them as a movie I was watching. To the point of asking myself, "Why does every movie from the 80s feature a big cat?" Which is of course not exactly true, but again, it helps dreaming about fighting zombies in a futuristic city a lot easier to take.

I'm not sure I can adequately sum up this weekend. Friday night was the company Christmas party and it was, well. Hmm. It definitely wasn't bad, but it definitely wasn't a smooth, bump-free night. I was definitely not among the soberest people there, but I think that I was not among the drunkest. I'm hoping that straddling that middle ground will help me sort of melt into the background when most people try to remember the night.

Biggest highlight of the night was probably getting my bonus, and the epic I-love-you-man'ing that happened between myself and coworkers I don't know very well.

The next day, I woke up and patiently nursed my hangover and then baked cookies (AT LONG LAST). I don't know what sort of mental block I had going on but sheesh, even though I really wanted fresh baked, homemade cookies, I could never get it together to actually make them. Anyway, once I finally DID, I made Snickerdoodles based off of this recipe. They turned out absolutely perfect. Crisp, but not brittle, sweet but not cloying. I definitely recommend them.

Sometime this week I will make them again, along with cocoa meringue cookies and possibly, cinnamon-sugar palmiers.

I made the cookies because I had two holiday parties to attend. Both were very small, and casual, but I was STILL so wiped from the night before that I ended up being very quiet. I went home at like 10:30, and pretty much immediately went to bed and then PASSED OUT for 10 hours.

Sunday, I dedicated to cleaning the house and efficiently burning through almost my entire bonus. But the good news is that my Christmas shopping is almost done. I have 2 more hats to make, and 2 more gifts to buy. I'm not entirely pleased with what I've chosen to give people, but it is the thought that counts, so. I may try to make this up on people's birthdays, though. Hopefully the rest of this paycheck's surplus won't run out quite so fast.

I also finally purchased JONAS on DVD and renewed my deep, deep, deep abiding love for "Cold Shoulder." Kevinnn! <333 (also he got married but, as liminalliz points out, PICS OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN.

And lastly, I hope all my JB-afflicted friends are seeing those utterly ADORABLE pictures of Nick, Joe, and Frankie which renews my desire for "Nick, Joe, and Frankie somehow becomes an alternative family" fic. In the meantime, though, I can't help but notice lakeeffectgirl posted her babyfic! So if you get the same longing, there's something to help soothe that!

i do stuff, wanna hear me talk about the jonas bros?, cooking

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