Several amazing things

Nov 23, 2009 21:10

Oh Joe Jonas. I've already talked about how much his dedication to the Special Olympics things warms my heart. Mentally handicapped kids make me so nervous. I don't know what to say, what the rules are with interacting with them. I don't want to upset them and I don't want them to think I don't like them because of my nerves. I get upset, too, thinking about their disadvantages. It's very condescending, but I can totally end up crying just because I think about how hard life is for them and their parents.

Basically, I'm impressed that Joe not only chose a massively uncool cause that opens him to ridicule, but he seems to genuinely enjoy working for his cause. I'm impressed he can relax and have fun with them. I know he looks ridiculous in some of those pics. He's wearing combat boots to play basketball for goodness sake, but I still get all "Baw! I love him!" about it.

But that's lame. Let's talk about undercover brother lovers.

Concert Shenanigans:

image Click to view

Oh, Joe. Never change. A girl on CUF said he tried eat Garbo's face with the puppet at some point. This is why the Nick J Solo Tour will be filled with 100% less glee. I appreciate SrsBizznass!Nick only in the context of Joe in the background going "OMFG! DANCING BANANA GIRLS!"

I love that Nick can go from SO ANNOYED with his brother, to the fondest "Give me a fistbump!" ever.(Note: These two things may not have happened on the same night, but in the larger context of the universe, they still happened together). Their fistbumps are whole conversations, I love it. I think this fistbump says, "I'm gonna DO you later."

Other Things I find adorable:

Ahahahaha, the other day th_esaurus posted a pic of Nick and said, "Why does he look like a lady here?" It wasn't that she thought he looked like a girl, it was that something was making her think girl. It's the EXACT SAME THING with me and this picture. I think it's his tight lipped smile and the arms crossed over the cardigan. It is SUCH a girl's "Ugggggggh, I don't have make-up on and my clothes are sloppy and people are looking at me" face.

Luckily his boyfriend was there to provide moral support. (I looooooove them.)

undercover brother lovers, joe jonas is perfect

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