
Nov 13, 2009 08:30

What the fuck?

God, I haaaaaaaaaate office politics. It was bad enough that yesterday we had the "Seriously guys, we're all adults here, that's why we're going to treat you like children" meeting yesterday. But I came in today with a cute outfit on, and a lot of sleep, and in general I was going to make the friggin' best of it. And then... and then... the community fridge nightmare.

Some important points:

1. We clean out the fridge every Friday afternoon. Or rather we say we do. Often the fridge does not get cleaned, but whatever, nominally the fridge gets cleaned out every Friday afternoon.

2. I am aware of this, and also know that tupperware will be thrown away along with the unmarked/unaccounted for food.

3. I brought homemade hummus in my tupperware container on Monday, and it stayed safe and tasty until Wednesday. The whole week I am aware that I will have to account for my food on Friday.

4. I did not eat any hummus on Thursday, but cut up some veggies for dipping this morning, all flush with excitement for having them and my hummus as a snack today.

5. On Friday Morning, several hours before any fridge cleaning is supposed to happen, I open the work fridge to find that my hummus and tupperware are gone. But the open container of dessicated spinach dip remains. As does two week old pumpkin pie from the office party that occurred the day before Halloween.

6. I resist sending an all user "WHAT THE FUCK I HATE YOU!" email, but do send an email to HR passive aggressively asking if they cleaned the fridge early and forgot to warn anyone. In my heart of hearts, though, I know someone murdered my poor hummus. And my young, innocent 7 day old tupperware. And my good Friday morning.

unfortunately i work for a living, ranting

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