Nick Jonas & the Administration Funkadelic.

Oct 28, 2009 09:37


Nick Jonas.

Nicholas Jerry Jonas.

Let's talk.

Let's talk about how your band is currently managed by Johnny Wright. Let's talk about how Johnny Wright managed the Backstreet Boys and 'Nsync. Let's talk about how both of those bands had fan favorites, Nick Carter and Justin Timberlake. Let's talk about their solo albums.

I have played this game before Nick Jonas. I know how this runs.

First things first, money talks and bullshit walks.

I cannot be comforted by soppy blog posts about how y'all will never quit making music together. Both Nick Carter and Justin swore up and down that they loved their bands and would never leave them, not in a million years. In the case of BSB, this turned out to be true. In the case of Nsync, this was all A LIE despite interviews that included declarations of love, band members rolling their eyes like, "Duh, we're going reunite to record an album," and actually reuniting for annual charity events.

Point #1: When you actually record another JB album, I will let go of my nagging skepticism, not before.

It's true that the JB cannot break up as brothers, but IF this album were somehow a commercial and critical critical success, beyond anything the JB could have gotten together, I don't doubt that it would become your (and the people you make money for) primary focus. Perhaps not the ONLY focus, but a primary focus. The good news is that it works the other way. If it's a flop, you go back to your tried and true brand of the Jonas Brothers and that's that.

Point #2: Nick Carter (ie- the pop musician who returned to his old group after going solo) has never once been accused of having raw musical talent. Justin Timberlake (ie- the pop musician who never looked back) on the other hand...

Here I'm going to crib from my comment to liminalliz: The biggest issue I see here is you would have to truly focus on a solo album in order to produce a) songs worthy of their own record, and b) enough promotion to get this album out there to people who would not be interested in buying a Jonas Brother's album.

Otherwise, what's the point? If it's a whole album of A Little Bit Longer and Fly With Me that's... fine, but it's not bringing in a new audience while simultaneously alienating the audience that's in it mostly for Joe (read: me). A whole album of those caliber songs is amusing but not necessary, throw Joe on some background vocals and continue working with the brand you've got.

If you actually produced an album of truly un-Jonas Brothers-like songs then I am intrigued and will likely buy the album. I do like your music you little fucker, but I'm not sure I believe that much effort has been put into it. Maybe, maybe not. We'll just have to see, but that's not still not the last issue.

Point #3: Even if the album is AMAZING, what are you going to do about promotion?

Because if you did, if you really produced an album that could not have been made with your brothers, I don't understand what it is you're doing. Are you really just dropping it for your fans, and be content to let people outside of your fanbase ignore it? If you're aren't, if you're actually going to go out and try to convince people outside your fanbase that this solo effort should be given a chance then you're going to have to take a break from things that bring me extra Joe in my life.

I'm not a Nick Girl, never pretended to be. You doing solo interviews, promotion, and God forbid a solo tour is pretty much never going to be something I could be excited about. Even if you are adorable, charming, and otherwise awesome I'll be thinking, "Wait, where's Joe?"

Point #4: I appreciate that Joe likes to act and Kevin has babies to make, but I basically don't want to give up any amount of face time with them.

Your decision to do a solo album did not force Kevin to get married in order to have something better to do. And you have always been nothing but sweetly supportive of Joe's acting. I understand that you guys have other things you want to pursue, or rather, your brothers have other things they want to pursue and you have only ever wanted to pursue music. So it makes sense that if it was indeed a mutual break you would make an album while your brothers did things that took them away from me.

Basically, I'm not ready for you guys to grow up yet. I'm not ready for Nick the Solo Artist/Presidential Hopeful, Joe the Actor/Hollywood Scenester, and Kevin the Dad/Reality Star (what? it could happen).

So stop it.

Take four months off and then come RIGHT BACK TO ME, intact and still adorable.

Point #5: Nick Jonas, that headband is stupid.

That is all.

ranting, wanna hear me talk about the jonas bros?, wtf nick j?

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