Joe Jonas: First Lady 1/2

Sep 05, 2009 17:07

Title: Politicians Can't Wear Their Hearts on Their Sleeves 1/2
Fandom: The Jonas Brothers
Pairing: President Nick Jonas and his First Lady, Joe.
Warning: It's RPS! And lame.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 6.1k
Summary: Nick J. finally realizes his dream of becoming President. Joe Jonas finally realizes his dream of following Nick anywhere.
Notes: So this is going to be posted in two parts, in two different formats. Basically this is the experimental, but PG part, and the second will be the straight forward, but also porny part. So really, they're different enough that I feel justified in posting them separately. I hope to get that up soon! In other news, I heart blackwayfarers and th_esaurus for being so AWESOME about this. Title is adapted from a quote about politics written by, sadly, a Nazi (Ernst Herbert Lehmann, 1939). It was either stick with that title once I found out who said it, or rip off Karla's idea and go with "Adventures of Joe Jonas: First Lady." So. Yeah. Enjoy!

ETA: I forgot to say, since this is a giant crazy fic about Joe being the First Lady I felt justified in indulging MY political fantasy which is Nick Jonas, Democratic Candidate for President from Texas. Because I love Texas and being a liberal, and I don't care that Reagan, Schwarzenegger, and Bono were Republican.

Part One:
"...I have always tried to live my life in such a way that I could be a light for other people. I don't know how well I have succeeded, I don't know how much more I can do, but that desire to be a part of that city set on a hill, to join the ranks of Americans greater than myself who sought to aid, protect, and better our country so that we could in turn be a beacon in the darkness for the rest of the world, that hope is why I am announcing my intention to run for President of the United States in 2032."


Press Conference 03/18/2032: "Mr. Jonas, much has been made of the fact that, if elected, you would be the youngest man to become President. However, you would also be the first bachelor in the White House since James Buchanan in 1856. Do you have any thoughts on that?"

Nick laughs, looking handsome and bashful, "I guess I should just be glad you didn't ask me if I would date a voter."

The room fills with good-natured chuckles and the reporters are smiling now instead of poised over their notes.

Nick's answering smile is equal parts relieved and shrewd. "No, that's a valid question. I think it's no secret that I was raised to take marriage very seriously. It wasn't ever something that I wanted to rush into and I wanted to be able to give my full, undivided attention to it, but I just haven't been able to take that time. There's been a lot of things I wanted to do in my life: music, activism, and now politics, and they all happen to have the same pitfalls -- hectic schedules, a lot of traveling. It's hard to nurture a lifelong relationship in those circumstances. But you know, as long as I've already waited, if elected, I'm happy to wait another four years to settle down." Nick's grin opens a little wider, and he almost winks. "Or eight, as the case may be, but I don't want to get ahead of myself here."

The peanut gallery that is the press all laugh again and jot down notes focusing on Nick's poise and confidence. Many leave out the details of his answer entirely.


"Karen Schleuter, Fox News, here and if you're just joining us, let me catch you up on our topic tonight: is Joe Jonas the next Billy Carter? That's the question we're asking. Older brother Kevin has mostly retired from the spotlight, focusing instead on raising a family with his wife Danielle and youngest brother Frank, or Frankie Jonas, is busy getting the production company he co-founded with a childhood friend off the ground. And that leaves Joe Jonas as something of a loose cannon. We're joined today by Joan Carter from the New York Times, Jackie Hollywood from E!News, and political blogger, Eric Dugger. Thank you for joining us. Joan, I'll ask you first, is Joe a liability?"

"Well, to be honest, John, I think it's too soon to say. I think it's pretty clear that Joe Jonas has got something a whimsical nature, but I think he's left most of the behind now. I also think that the past has shown us that the voting public is wiling to forgive a few black sheep in the family if they really believe in the candidate."

"Thank you, Joan. Eric, you don't seem impressed."

"John, it's obvious that Nick Jonas wants to distance himself from the image of a vapid pop star, and having Joe Jonas around isn't going to help that. It's not like he's going to be able to answer policy questions. Anyone that interviews him is naturally going to focus on his two broken engagements, his more controversial film roles. It completely undermines Jonas's attempt to seem like a serious and credible candidate."

"Can I interject here? Please? My life's work is dirt, people, and trust me, the dirt you're going to find on Jonas, any of them, is going to be boring with a capital B. The whole business has been waiting for one of them to snap but it just hasn't happened. I wouldn't expect any surprises."

"See, Jackie, I have to disagree, he might see this as a chance to further his fading career..."


"Seeing anyone?" the reporter's red lips part on a knowing smile.

"I'm really not here to talk about myself, I'm sorry," Joe demurs. Experts from the campaign have put him in a respectable suit, and tamed his hair. "I'm just here today to talking about my brother's amazing campaign for president if that's all right."

Since of course it has to be all right, and to press would make her seem pushy, the reporter moves onto other questions.


Photo Caption: Joe Jonas speaks at a fundraiser for children with special needs. During the brief, fifteen-minute speech, he promised that his brother, presidential hopeful and former pop-star Nick Jonas, would be a passionate advocate for what he called "the most easily dismissed problem in our nation, but also the most easily fixed." (Source: AP)


Excerpt from an Associated Press article on the Democratic National Convention: As Jonas accepted his party's nomination as President, loud cheers erupted from the crowd, but none more loud than those coming from the family box. It was a sight far removed from the traditional polite clapping and tight smiles of yesteryear as the Jonas family, older brother Joe in particular, reminded everyone that, despite being one of our nation's most famous families, the Jonases aggressively insist on being included as one of us. Or perhaps more accurately, they want us to believe that we are one of them. Early in his campaign, Nick Jonas failed to win hearts with the traditional everyman approach, but last night he seemed to succeed in inviting the entire Democratic Party, perhaps even the entire American people, into becoming members of his family.


"We're going live to the election night party at Texas Stadium here in Dallas to watch President-elect Jonas, President Jonas, give his victory speech. The president is taking the stage with members of his family, and as you can see he's all smiles. This is probably the happiest we've seen him during the entire campaign. It looks like he's about to take the podium and- well, his brother Joe has a different idea. You can really tell that this is a close family, that they're all elated at their sibling's amazing success. And uh, that was really one of the selling points of Jonas's campaign. And. Alright, it's looks like now the President-elect is taking the podium. Let's see what he has to say to mark this momentous occasion."


"In lieu of the traditional processional with the wife and kids, President Jonas has decided to walk with his brothers. Kevin Jonas's wife, Danielle, and two small children are there as well to help complete the picture. The President looks quite happy and relaxed. This is an amazing day for him. It's very cold out here in DC today, windy, but also sunny. The President has chosen a very stylish hat and coat, a little dressier than we've seen President's recently wear, but nicely traditional too. I'm sure that we'll be seeing the kind of detailed write ups on his outfit today that one usually associates with First Ladies."

"I think you're right about that, Ken. Style has definitely always been important to the President, and it's received a lot of attention from the press throughout his campaign. Actually the whole family looks great. Hopefully, Joe's fur collar is synthetic. It would be quite a misstep to attract PETA's ire on his brother's big day."


"One day in the White House and already we've got a little controversy to discuss. ProximityGate! During the procession yesterday, in front of adoring crowds, President Jonas went from a solitary figure followed by friends and family to a twosome! Apparently he and brother Joe Jonas had a lot to discuss because by the end of the walk down Pennsylvania Avenue they were side by side. Some critics believe this shows political aspirations far beyond the norm for a President's friends and family. We're joined here at CNN by Ms. Theresa Gilbert, professor of political science at Georgetown University, newly elected Congressman Rick Gomez, Republican from California, and Gerald Thompson, syndicated radio host. I'll turn the table over to you first, Representative Gomez, congratulations by the way."

"Thank you, Ken. I just want to start by saying that the American people only elected one member of the Jonas family to the office of President, not two. And certainly not the entire family. You know, we Republicans have been saying this from the start: America does not need, and more importantly doesn't want, a dynasty, a royal family. But they've got a reputation in the industry for nepotism, and I wouldn't be surprised if we end up with Jonas family members in key positions by the end of the year."

"I think that's rather overstated, if you don't mind me saying. If you watch the entire procession, you can see that the President looks back several times to speak with his family. I think he was just happy and wanted to share that with those closest to him. We're too quick to forget that this is the first time in a very long time that a President has made this walk without someone's hand to hold if he wanted it. This was a huge day for President Jonas, culmination of a lifetime dream. I think he just wanted to share with his family."


"We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you breaking news."

"Good afternoon, I'm Liam Ogden, reporting from the ABC News Headquarters in New York. We're receiving reports from various sources that the President has been rushed to the hospital. We haven't gotten confirmation of this yet, but we believe this incident to be related to the President's type-1 diabetes. Joining us, live on the scene, with more information is..."


Press Conference 4/21/2033: "At approximately three p.m. yesterday afternoon the President was coming back to the Oval Office from a meeting with staff members and began to feel weak. He was directed to sit down, and briefly lost consciousness. The Secret Service agents with him immediately radioed for help. Paramedics tested his blood sugar levels and found it to be below the healthy range. He was given glucose and his trip to the hospital was largely a precautionary measure. He is currently in good health and anxious to focus on his very important duties. I will open the floor briefly to questions. Okay, um, Helen?"

"Can you tell us what caused the incident?"

"I can. Apparently the President skipped lunch after a long meeting and forgot to adjust his insulin, or get a snack. It's a common mistake, especially easy to make when you're busy. It's not one he plans to make again."


Photo Caption: The Uninvited Guest? The President's brother, Joe Jonas, rushed to Washington DC after the President's diabetic episode in April. Jonas is pictured jogging with the President's dog, Wonder, on May 17th. Sources close to the President reveal that Joe Jonas is not only still in DC, but staying in the White House as well. (Source: Getty Images)


Excerpt from an Associated Press article: Despite accusations of freeloading, Joe Jonas's extended stay in DC appears to have filled a void somehow previously overlooked. First Ladies have long taken up uncontroversial, personal causes and represented the President's kinder, softer side by performing such tasks as dedicating hospital wings, visiting soldiers, and of course speaking at innumerable fundraisers. Although his gender means that designers of formal gowns still lack a patroness, what Joe Jonas has been able to do is become involved in a variety of organizations.

For instance, in the past month alone he has made appearances at fund raising dinners for pediatric cancer research and the Special Olympics, given speeches on the importance of maintaining funding for music programs in elementary and middle schools, and participated in several building events for Habitat for Humanity. In fact, just last week he doled out coffee, muffins, and scrambled eggs at the largest soup kitchen in DC.

When asked for comment White House Press Secretary, Amanda Fields, stated that the President was in "full support of [Jonas's] good works." No word yet as to whether or not Joe Jonas plans to accompany his presidential brother to Africa later in the year.


"Next up, Joe Six Pack! That's our top political story during this tedious summer hiatus. On the screen now are photographs of the President and his family enjoying some outdoor recreation at Camp David. Not since the athletic Obama family has the nation been privy to so much political skin. This is hardly the first time one of the brothers Jonas has been photographed without a shirt, but now that they're a political family, we here at Fox News are forced to wonder, how much is too much?"

"I think this is just ridiculous to be wasting our time talking about this. He's swimming, he's outdoors, many people do the same thing every day."

"I can't help but notice that the President kept covered. Do you think that was in the interest of modesty?"

"Well, I can't help but notice that he didn't seem to mind the view. I mean, if he were upset or worried about his brother offending the American people somehow, he certainly didn't insist Joe cover up."


Schedule for Mr. Jonas, 9/8/33, Promotion for International Literacy Day
8:30am - Hour long outdoor run with Secret Service escort.
10:00am - Photo op while reading story to kindergarten class at Braddock Elementary School in Annandale, VA (Mr. Jonas will take one of the black sedans, Secret Service will take SUV).
11:30am - Attend Literacy in America luncheon at St. Regis Hotel.
1:00pm - Return to White House. Mr. Jonas will rest and change.
2:00pm - Q&A session with child representatives from Future Teachers of America (contact Kasey Howard in Media Relations for detailed schedule, guest list)
3:30pm - Phone Interview for NPR on American efforts to promote literacy abroad (contact Gina Hardisky in Media Relations for questions).
4:00pm - Receive Malaysian dignitary and entourage on behalf of President in Reception Room (President will meet party at 4:30pm in Oval Office).
7:00pm - Dinner with the President.


Photo Caption: "Wednesday, Oct. 12, Russian President Grigor Chevsky laughs with President Jonas's brother, Joseph, at a formal dinner at the White House. The trip, Russia's first diplomatic tour of America in over fifteen years, was expected to be fraught with tension due to recent disagreements in nuclear policy, but both Presidents later expressed hope that a compromise might soon be reached." (Source: Getty Images)


"Top news tonight on NBC is the unexpected resignation of the Energy Secretary, Gary Donovan. This comes after months of speculation that the Senate investigative committee formed to look into allegations of ethics violations would in fact be handing down a recommendation for a grand jury indictment. Donovan's resignation does exclude him from further investigation, for more in depth coverage we turn to Senior Washington correspondent, Trisha Powell."


"Have things finally turned sour for the perpetually popular President? One Gallup poll shows as much as 15% drop in the President's approval rating after the mishandling of the Donovan Affair. Last week the grand jury indicted former Energy Secretary, Gary Donovan, with such charges as bribery and obstruction of justice. The White House issued a statement in support of Donovan after his sudden resignation in March, but the statement was quickly rescinded and replaced with another, more critical press release. A press conference was held to address accusations of flip flopping and favoritism, but the normally strictly on-message President did little to assure the public."

Jonas looks starched and choked in a severe black suit, his hands grip the podium tightly as a clear, female voice from the assembled press asks him, "Mr. President, when did your staff become aware of Donovan's wrong doing?"

Visibly fighting the urge to swallow or shift his feet, he shakes his head, "I can't comment on that at this time. So. Well, no comment." He scans the crowd and nods his head at someone.

A young man in a light colored, button down shirt stands. "What can you tell us about your decision to issue a statement coming out in support of Donovan after his resignation? Were you aware of the Senate committee's findings when it was issued?"

"I can't uh. I can't really comment on that," he presses his lips together, twists his lips in a frown. "You know, I wasn't raised to speak badly about people. Obviously the expectation was to come out and condemn him, and I understand that. But I would hope that any relationship, good or bad, could be looked back at as a learning experience. Next question?"

"How would qualify your relationship with Donovan? What did you learn from it?"

The President sighs, "No comment."


Photo Caption: Protesters wave signs outside a town hall meeting in Shaker Heights, Ohio. "Nero fiddled while Rome burned and Jonas played guitar" read one sign. Others quoted the passages from Leviticus condemning homosexuality and incest, and "(Im)peach the fruit!" The White House released a statement calling the messages "highly offensive" while acknowledging their protection under free speech. (Source: Reutgers)


"Where in the world is Joe Jonas? After visiting India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan on a humanitarian mission, the President's brother has not returned to the White House. Sources close to the White House say Jonas is planning on taking an extended break from Washington while his brother, President Jonas, focuses on the new legislative session that began last Wednesday. White House Press Secretary, Amanda Fields, said the Jonas Administration hopes to shift focus from quote 'unfounded allegations' towards key topics like immigration reform and budgetary concerns."


Excerpt from the February 16th, 2034 edition of the Onion:
Joe Jonas Never Once Took Out Trash, Says President!

Now that the President's brother has moved out of the White House, he's finally able to speak out about Jonas's less than endearing habits as a roommate.

"Joe is a great guy otherwise," says the forty-one year old Democrat, who became the youngest man elected into office in 2032. "But he never paid rent, and he was constantly leaving his shoes everywhere. I tried to talk to him about the stuff that got on my nerves, and he always said he'd keep it in mind. Next day I'd find a bunch of wet towels on the bathroom floor. It was enough to drive you nuts."

Jonas has recently been photographed outside his home in Los Angeles, sparking rumors of a rift between the famously close siblings. Many analysts believe the President hoped to assuage public fears about the mismanagement of their tax dollars, but the President revealed exclusively to the Onion that the real problem was Jonas's "appalling disregard for the labels on food items in the fridge."

Asked for comment, Joe Jonas shrugged and said his brother "was always a little up tight. But being elected to the Head of State totally sent him on some sort of power trip."


"It was all cheers and not a single tear at Auditorium Shores today. The 25th Annual 'iWin Race' may have only had one person come in first but when the proceeds benefit charity? Everyone's a winner. Runners in today's race include Austin's Mayor Jennifer Sturman and the new CEO of Whole Life, Eric Maynes, but the most famous face in the race belonged to a former pop and film star turned philanthropist, founder of the race Joe Jonas. As in years previous, the 45-year-old Jonas did run in this race with a small group of contest winners, but this year he was also accompanied two secret service agents. He came in a respectable thirty-two minutes and forty-eight seconds."

Video is shown of Joe laughing, dewy and mussed from a run on a hot, humid day. "Yeah, I don't know why I decided a race in August was the thing to do. Somewhere around thirty-five or so I started wishing I had chosen something easier on the knees, but I did all right today I think."

"Today's event was the first to be held in Texas since 2014's Dallas run, and the very first race held in San Antonio back in 2009."

In another clip Joe says, "It's good to be back in Texas," while focusing on a far of point for a moment. He looks down at his feet and nods, "I was able to do a lot of good in DC but, you know, it doesn't matter where you are, there's always someway to help people, that's what this whole day is about."

"Jonas handed out awards to fellow runners and made several speeches to the crowd. An official for the event estimates around $30,000 was raised today, and they plan to donate that money to the Special Olympics at an invitation only function later tonight. Sarah Culpepper reporting for KXAN News."


Excerpt from a Time Magazine article on the Jonas Administration: Before and after pictures reveal just how much President Jonas has aged during his first term as president. "You can see more gray hair, more lines around the eyes," says aging and beauty expert, Christina Chen. "But that's to be expected. A lot more telling are the deepening lines around the mouth. Many Presidents develop swelling under the eyes due to chronic fatigue." White House officials insist that the President is in good health.


"Somber day here in North Carolina. Even the weather has turned gray and damp. The President's father, Paul Kevin Jonas, Sr. passed away last Thursday and will be laid to rest today in a family plot here in his hometown of High Point. The President arrived by motorcade earlier today to a home owned by family members; it's been some hours since he entered. Police closed down the entire neighborhood block in order to afford the President and his family some privacy. They are expected to leave the home shortly and travel to Cook-Walden funeral home, followed by a procession to Assumption Cemetery outside the city. So far the President has only made a brief statement through his press office at the White House, and it is unknown if he plans to offer a eulogy today."

"You know, I have to say, the President is known for being an old soul, or older than his years, but it seems like the death of his father, which I understand was not unexpected, really reminds us just how young the President really is. He's still a son, still a younger brother, a nephew. I think because of his political position a lot of people expected him to assume the role of head of the family, but the President has always been the first to say that his family and politics are two entirely separate things."


Photo Caption: The President holds hands with family members (Mother, Denise, and brother, Joe) as his father is laid to rest last Sunday, November 12, 2034. The President's father, Kevin Paul Jonas Sr., passed away due to complications from heart disease at 86. (Source: Getty Images)


"The President, seen here exiting Air Force One, with his brother, Joe, returned to Washington late last night. The President and his brother then got into separate cars, but sources say that the elder Jonas brother is staying at the White House again. There's been no indication from White House staff as to the length of this stay. The siblings were recently reunited at their father's funeral. In other news..."


That's Just the Way We Roll
A Message from Joseph Jonas

Welcome to the Easter Egg Roll 2035, a White House tradition since 1878! The nation's most famous address can expect as many as 33,000 families from 45 states and the District of Columbia to fill the South Lawn with smiles and laughter on Sunday, March 25.

This year’s theme is That's Just the Way We Roll! We want to encourage kids to explore their uniqueness and creativity, and today’s activities will include karaoke, egg painting, a dance contest, and non-competitive playground games such as Double Dutch! We also have some special guests lined up to perform for families throughout the day. Healthy, organic snacks and meals will be provided with celebrity chefs present to provide demonstrations on how to make them at home. In addition to all of these new activities, we have 15,000 hardboiled eggs ready for the traditional Easter Egg Roll and Egg Hunt!

Be sure and check back throughout the day as we will be live-streaming coverage of the events. It is going to be a very special day and I can't wait to see you all there!

-Joe Jonas


"Tonight on 60 Minutes we get a glimpse into the private life of the President. Special Reporter Elisa Thorndike is given unprecedented access and a chance to speak to those closest to the man known as the Rock Star President."

After a description of a day in the life of a President, the program shifts focus. Over childhood pictures of the President, and scenes of small town America a woman narrates over the President's origin story. "The President was born in Texas, just outside of Dallas, and maintained a strong affinity for the state during a life often spent traveling. But the bulk of the President's formative years were spent in the small town of Wyckoff in northern New Jersey. It's a small, quiet town about 45 minutes from Manhattan where the young Jonas children were kept active with school, sports, the occasional Broadway performance, and church; but family always came first. The President has always been quick to say that his family remains a major influence on his life, and it's a resource he still relies on today. As the first single President to live in the White House in nearly 200 hundred years, Jonas found himself in a unique position with an even more unique solution.

"As a singer, actor, socialite, and philanthropist, the President's brother, Joseph Jonas is used to living in the public eye. In their youth the siblings have often worked together, along with eldest brother Kevin, to raise money and awareness on various causes, most notably juvenile diabetes. Engaged twice, but never married, all but retired from the entertainment industry, Joe Jonas was able to step into a role more traditionally assumed by a President's spouse. It was a partnership that drew harsh attention from critics some arguing that Joe's extended stay at the White House was a waste of public tax dollars, while others simply longed for a more traditional First Family."

Nick and Joe sit in two separate chairs, slanted toward each other. In suits, their demeanor is quite formal, but Joe has a small smile on his face that is almost mischievous. The reporter is straining to seem personable, leaning forward in her chair, smiling brightly, but the pair regard her coolly. "What has it been like, having your closeness dissected and commented upon?"

Joe looks over at Nick, and Nick clears his throat. "Odd, but I think it's just that people see so little. I'm close with my entire family, I try to call my mom, even for five minutes, everyday. But you know, what makes it into the news is such a small part of our daily lives. Actually, there are days when I only see Joe for fifteen minutes, just 'Hi, how's your day going? Whoops, I got to go,' but still you know, uh, the White House is a big place. One moment it's just full of people and the next it's kind of eerily empty. So it does help," Nick says, shrugging one shoulder quickly, a habit he hasn't been able to kick in nearly four years of politics. "That fifteen minutes with someone you know really helps."

"So it was the isolation of being President that caused you to reach out and not health concerns as is generally believed?"

Nick and Joe both open their mouths to speak, they look at each other. Nick nods his head and lets Joe answer, "That really got blown out of proportion, it was a minor thing. Obviously he has to be careful, but he's not thirteen anymore; he doesn't need help checking his levels. But when I came to see him after that, I could sort of tell it would be a good idea for me to stay. We've always helped each other through bad times, before. And he's obviously unbelievably busy, you know, so I just kind of wanted to be around if he needed someone to talk to. I didn't really have an idea of just how long a visit it would be, but-" Joe tilts his head towards his shoulder, "I was happy to do it."

"Do you guys ever fight? I mean obviously you're both adults now but sometimes it must be hard to avoid reverting back to when you were boys, right?"

Nick smirks, "You know, even after thirty years, I really can't say a different answer. No, we don't fight."

"We can't now," Joe quips. "He wins every argument just by saying, 'Yeah, well, I'm the President, so.' It's awful."

Nick cuts his eyes over to his brother who stares at the interviewer, determinedly oblivious.

After a minute, Nick snorts and shakes his head fondly. The clip ends and, narrating this time over similar footage of the Kennedys and the Jonas family, the reporter points out that, "Something about President Jonas has always invited comparison to another President: President Kennedy. Both are young and fashionable, both are from well known, well off, and notoriously religious families, and both are close with their brothers. In the case of the Kennedys, it was the President who often sought the advice and counsel of his younger brother, US Attorney General Robert Kennedy, usually described in text books as the President's closest political adviser. With the Jonases, the relationship borders on the symbiotic. While his Presidential sibling focuses primarily on policy, Joseph devotes himself entirely to humanitarian concerns."

"I've always had a heart for helping people, it's why I ran for President," Nick says. "But it's funny, in actually being President, there are so many things that take my attention away from that goal. Thankfully, though, it's something Joe is amazing at." The President looks over at his brother who is smiling shyly at his hands, folded in his lap. Looking back at the camera he says, "I'm grateful that he could step into that role so easily."

The segment ends shortly after, and the reporter moves on to a neatly glossed over summary of the Donovan Affair. The interview footage spliced into the report from that point on mostly shows the President alone.


Photo Caption: Brazilian school children welcome President Jonas and his brother, Joe Jonas to their elementary. The President visited the school during his first trip to South America as Head of State. Joe Jonas is holding a cordel, or woodblock book and flowers given to him by the school's third grade class. The President hopes to use this visit to raise awareness on the continuing need of free education for children around the world. (Source: Reutgers)


"Our top news story tonight, the tragedy in the heart of America as violent storms tore through parts of Kansas and Missouri. Homes and businesses were battered for several days with rain, strong winds, and hail, and finally, in the middle of night when most families were asleep, tornadoes touched down at four different places. Our field reporter, Stephan Keaton has the story…"


"The death count continues to rise as authorities sift through the debris that was once neighborhoods in Louisburg, Kansas, and Westline, Missouri. In total, nearly sixty bodies have been discovered, and some remain unidentified. Still working without power, rescue workers are constantly working against the clock, trying to search as many houses before sundown as they can. Hospitals in Kansas City have opened their doors to the patient who needed to be moved from the nursing homes and medical facilities currently without reliable sources of electricity.

"The President is expected to visit tomorrow in order to view the devastation first hand…"


Photo Caption: President Jonas talks with Bill Loyless, mechanic, at the rubble that was one is home. His brother, Joe Jonas, hold Bill's daughter as they inspect the debris. The President flew in Thursday to tour the towns hit hardest by last week's storms. "He's a compassionate man," said Loyless afterward. "I just hope he can come through on his promises." (Source: Washington Post)


"I know a lot of people thought that Jonas was, at best, a one term experiment. That there was just no way that the American people would be interested in committing to a second term, but from where I'm sitting his approval rates are high, his campaign is extremely well funded, and right now the other candidates are just not generating much excitement among the voting public."

"I don't think you can base everything on approval ratings. After all, he got a boost after the storms in Kansas, but that can't be expected to last until November. His time in office has been far from exemplary."

"Perhaps not, but he came out of the Donovan Affair hardly tarnished at all, and I think that, overall, he exceeded expectations. You can't deny the appeal of an incumbent, especially one that's not seen as being in anyway a failure."

"Not being a failure is not the same as being a great President."

"True, but it's up to Delauney to prove that he can be a great President while Jonas only has to show that he can keep being an average one."

"Let me briefly interrupt here, folks, for a commercial break. This is ABC's "This Week" and we'll be right back after these messages."


"Republican Presidential Candidate Richard Delauney sparked criticism when members of his campaign were reported as making off color jokes about the President. A reporter for the Washington Post wrote that a representative from the Delauney campaign joked with him that the reason for the President's continued bachelor status was obviously homosexuality. Another colleague then quipped, 'At least he keeps it in the family.'

"Delauney quickly released a statement condemning these remarks as being the result of 'youthful bravado and alcohol.' Both campaign workers were in their twenties, attending a fundraising dinner in New Hampshire where drinks were served. However, some analysts are saying that the statement lacked a real sense of apology and came across as too dismissive. The incident has helped fuel the rumors of disorganization amongst the ranks of his campaign."


Press Conference 09/18/2036: "Mr. President, do you have any comment to make on the satirical pamphlet being handed out at some events hosted by the Republican Party?"

Nick shakes his head and shrugs his shoulders, light and carefree as anything. "No. No comment. That's not a tactic I would have chosen for my campaign, but if some crude jokes are what they'd like to talk about that's fine. Whenever they want to talk policies, I'm happy to do so."

"Mr. President, what do you think of your chances in the upcoming election?"

Nick puts his head down briefly to hide his smile, knowing it will come off cocky. "Well there's not much more that I can say other than I have always played the game to win."


Excerpt from an Associated Press article: With a second term in office a likely present for his 44th birthday, President Jonas celebrated with friends and family at a bash filled with a who's who of big names from both Hollywood and DC on Thursday. The fete was on a larger scale than typically favored by the President, and sent a clear message to opposing candidate Delauney. It's obvious that Jonas doesn't think he's leaving Washington anytime soon...

Brother and close confidant of the President, Joseph Jonas, finished off the night with an acoustic version Stevie Wonder's "Happy Birthday." The notoriously lighthearted Jonas started off in a single spotlight, mimicking Marilyn Monroe's still-famous breathy tribute to JFK, Jr. in the sixties. He waited until the crowd's bawdy laughter faded into awkward chuckles before flashing a trickster's grin and bringing out brothers Kevin and Frankie for a more traditional rendition of the song. By the time the crowd joined in for the chorus, the famously reserved President Jonas had a hard time keeping a straight face.

Part Two: (I Couldn't Aspire to Anything Higher)


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