Win some, Fail some

May 05, 2009 19:06

Well, let's get this started off on the right foot.

I got the job. It won't be announced until the end of the week, but I was flat out told that was so that they "didn't convey the wrong message" by announcing right after my interview.

I was also promised a dollar raise. I forgot to ask when this goes into effect hopefully immediately because of the following fail.

Which I guess is actually an intuition win, because I had plans to go out tonight, but for one reason or another I was suddenly not feeling it and it wasn't because I was tired or cranky, I mean, I'd just gotten a promotion after all! But I listened to my gut and didn't make plans for tonight.

Then I got home and found an eviction notice on my door.

I forgot to pay the rent! I went in at the end of April to renew my lease, and that process in my brain as "paid the rent! Good to go!"

So I called my complex and was like, "Oh what an idiot am I! I'll drop of the check right now!"

Only to be informed that I had to give them a money order. And they would ONLY accept a money order.

I did not take this news gracefully, but got in the car anyway. I went to the post office on the corner of my block to see if they were one that was open past five (they weren't). Then I went to a Money Box to see if I could avoid going to the super busy shopping complex with the HEB (I couldn't). Then I stopped by my bank to get cash in case the HEB didn't take cards (they did). Then I bought the stupid money order and dropped it in the night deposit box (40 minutes later).

Now I'm paranoid that someone is going to steal the money order (I've heard of it happening!) and my apartment complex will continue to try and kick me out.

Also, goodbye $60 bucks in late fees that I could really afford right now! ::waves!:: Thank God for the promotion!

Anyway, now I'm going to celebrate my promotion by... well. Probably writing Joe/Nick.

unfortunately i work for a living, ranting

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