Jul 29, 2007 08:22
The computer srceen is oddly bright when you haven't slept for 24 hours.
I was kind of thinking about this today. I've been a Firefly fan for almost two years. For the past two years, I've gotten several relatives and a few friends into it. The weird thing is...it doesn't feel like two years.
Sometimes it feels like forever ago that I was telling Edgey on GSB that I was going to go watch it, but sometimes, it feels like yesterday I saw Serenity in the theater.
But I've been thankful for it. Thankful for bringing me into another world and showing me some fiercely loyal, but extremely pleasent fans. For bringing me closer to friends. For showing me that not all sci-fi was like Trek. And for letting me find Buffy and Angel and discovering how amazing Joss was.
So...thanks Joss. <3
When I grow up, I want to be a slayer. Or the captain of my own ship. Whatever works. ^^
Half hour! WOOO!