Back in March'08, 'round about the same time I
helped Mom & my little brother create their Facebook accounts, I ordered a
sample pack of Instead Softcups for $2.50USD.
Ordering those
Insteads was a definite turning point in my relationship w/ my menstrual cycle. Before discovering them, I'd fought w/ the itchy bulkiness of pads, the embarrassment of having a tampon string poke out the edge of my bathing suit & the horrible cramps caused by my attempts to use a
Diva Cup, but Insteads slipped in comfortably & could be worn for hours upon hours longer than either pads or tampons. Add that to the fact that they can be worn during sex & I've been saved from a lifetime's worth of washing "period sex" towels.
Any hoo, skip ahead a few years to today, when I came across the following status update from the
Instead® Softcup™ FB page:
BLOGGERS: We have a special for you! Post a Softcup review, send us the URL, and we'll send you a 2-month supply of Softcups, and a 2-month supply of Softcups for you to give away to a lucky blog reader. Email for details.
Even better? In honour of my already having a lifetime supply of Insteads for myself, I'll be offering up BOTH of those two month supplies to my lucky readers. Just comment below*, letting me know why you want to try Insteads. Two weeks from now, at 12:01am EST on October 16th, I'll pull two lucky people's names out of a hat (only one entry per person, though you're all welcome to comment as often as you'd like) & announce the lucky winners!
Good luck everyone! :)
* If you don't already have an LJ account, you could always create one... If you prefer not to though, feel free to post anonymously, but be sure to include an email address or other way of contacting you, in case you win...