(no subject)

May 17, 2005 21:59

Wow... sorry its taken me forever to come on and update. I love you all but sometimes its just not worth waiting 20 minutes for my computer to log on. BUT this guy fixed our computer so nows its A LOT faster so im happy which will hopefully make you all happy!

So...yea! Today kinda sucked...i got realli pissed in first period cuz we get to sit wherever we want in class and my suposidly *bestest* friend cant even sit next to me, she goes and sits next to Jessica Jones and Jordan. And when i asked if i could actually sit next to her or if she was too cool for me and she shrugged her shoulders... urrrghhhh right? Stupid fhfghGKJDFHljhdsgjhdlkjhkjghsadgjhaj! sorry that made me feel better. Than when i thought things couldnt be any worse I THOUGHT Kristi was saying shyt about me to Tatiana but i found later it wasnt true. But she did say shyt about me to Lauri but O well i cant confront her about that so it doesnt matter anyways. It jus pisses me off cuz she thinks i like someone i dont and she believes gay people that have noe clue what they're talking about over me. YEA! so jgsdalkjglkajshgjahkgjhakljhgskljhgkjahglkjhkja to her too. So that was bascally my day! FUNNESS!!! WaHoo! Well t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-thats all 4 now folks ! (HA that was funn)
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