Happy New Year, Boys and Girls!
Hopefully for some of you this'll be a better year than the last one. Seems everyone had a rough year. I know I did. But I'm finally out from under the crazy holiday mess. The holidays themselves after Christmas were pretty fun. New Years' Eve was pretty interesting, considering that the first things people said were....
"Omg why did you do that? "
"Where's my MOJITO!?"
Yes. Alkies for the win. In other news, the Holiday season found me well at work. It allowed me to purchase a new guitar, and to impress my bosses enough to be allowed to buy said guitar from work. Hoorah.
I'm still no closer to important stuff like... I dunno, transitioning but whatever. I'll get there.
In other important stuff, I spent yesterday with
vicious_lullaby and it was epic. :) Among the really cool shit that happened (besides glompage and us apparently not needing food for a LONG time) we found....bookends? Violent bookends? And created possibly the coolest website idea in aaaages. It made me extremely happy to spend time with possibly the only person I've had any sort of permanent, life-long bond with. Yes. Epic. More to come on that.