we went and saw
alvin and the chipmunks this arvo.
it was cool, in a kids movie kinda way, and i in no way compared it to the chipmunks i remembered as a kid, because the chipmunks are over 50 years old and have under gone many changes.
BUT, the guy we were buying our snacks from thought we were nuts.
we got our popcorn, drinks, alvin plushy toy and then terry spied the lonely ice cream
"and that jelly tip ice cream, it looks lonely"
the guy said "oh, we have heaps more over there" *points*
me "no no, it has to be THAT one, it is all by itself"
he gave us an oookkkaaayy o.O look.
"don't worry little ice cream, we will buy you"
then looked at me oddly when i said the plushy toy was for me and not the child