Jun 16, 2009 22:37
i'm realizing now that we should have started this whole packing process weeks ago. but it's kind of hard to do so with corey out of the country...
i'm sure most of you know how the whole moving process works... you pack up all your stuff and find that weeding through all the shit is completely necessary as you don't just want to simply relocate all of your old shit to your nice new location. luckily, i have moved enough times now that my junk is pretty limited. i did a serious downsize of even my wardrobe when i moved from tony's to olympia. corey, on the other hand, is a different story. he has got SO MUCH SHIT!!! and he wants to argue with me over what is garbage and what is "memorabilia" or whatever the hell. it's getting really frustrating for me because i am really not a keep sake type of person. i love to keep old photos and important stuff like that, but if i haven't worn or used something since grade school or junior high, i really don't feel the need to keep it. now, i am not talking about special awards or medals or trophies. corey is wanting to hang on to old warn out baseball caps and boston celtics t shirts and pins with funny sayings on them. it's just ridiculous. i know for a fact that these things will go into a box, into the moving truck, out of the moving truck, and into either our garage or attic and sit there until it is time to move again. it is especially hard dealing with this while pregnant because i find myself getting super stressed out and emotional and having breakdowns almost hourly. ugh.
we started in the garage today and i seriously had no idea just how much crap corey had stuffed in every nook and cranny out there. he just wants to pack everything into boxes and ship it on out and deal with it when we get to our new place. i keep trying to explain to him how much easier the transition will be if we weed through all the garbage now. that way, when we move in, we'll know that everything that has come with us is stuff we need and want. we can simply organize it, decorate, and be happy new home owners. i don't think he understands just how frustrated and pissed off he will be taking the extra weeks to throw away garbage once we get to our new place. he is starting to come around... thank god. i won't have it any other way. but it gets a little overwhelming.
we spent all of today out in the garage and it feels like we haven't even made a dent. i know that's not true, but it's just how i feel. and we still have the entirety of the house to pack up too!!! i know that the clothes and dishes and stuff of that nature won't be all that difficult. however, i am dreading rylie's closet. i know she has a shit ton of useless crap in there. but, i plan on having a large garage sale next weekend to try and make a little money off of some of the nicer things we no longer need. then we'll donate whatever we don't sell and be on our way.
i know that if i can keep corey on the right track and we bust our asses for the next few days, things will start to come together. but it's hard to get motivated. i wish i could just hire someone to come and do it all. but that's just not happening. time to toughen up and get it done. wish me luck!!!