Sorry but this has been annoying the crap out of me.
BoA was fine since ya know she's from Japan and she was the one who started the whole connection with music from Korea to Japan.
Then SE7EN ya ok music's fine, catchy.
DBSK.. wait no Tohoshinki started off with an english song 0_0'' and then with some catchy tunes, I support I support.
and NOW?! NOW!!!!
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Do you not notice how their korean and THIS music sound so different???
It's so... D:
Sorry no offense but everytime I hear this kind of Jpop it reminds me too much of JE. (And sorry to JE lovers out there..)I mean I'll admit I too was a Jpopper back in the day but man the sound still has not changed.
I wish k-artists wouldn't change thier style when debuting in Japan =__= but they always do.. well at least they're not changing thier vocals or anything, it's more important to listen to thier vocals more than anything else. And I'm going to say this now a lot of k-artists sound better than most Jpop boybands I've heard, so it's a bit relieving to hear nice vocals when listening to a japanese song now a days.
(Sorry if I'm bashing O_O this is just my honest opinion)