(no subject)

Feb 12, 2011 22:47

Picked up the new puppy today. She is so cute, it's unreal. And soft, too. Her fur is all plush-feeling. My mom hasn't settled on a name yet, but the only ones she keeps going back to so far are Lily and Asha. First suggestion was Sasha, but my dad shot that down. I suggested Misha, but alas, my mom proclaimed that "she doesn't look like a Misha".... Lily will most likely be the name we stick with, since my dad doesn't seem to care much for Asha, and he keeps trying to get her to come to Lily (though for some reason he continues to suggest Poco... IDEK, but thankfully mama keeps saying hell no).

Picture of her:

That was taken by the people we got her from, but pulling the camera out while she's still adjusting to everything would probably be a bad idea.

Haven't watched SPN yet. Didn't get home yesterday until almost midnight and just sort of crashed in bed. Was gone all day again today... Got home, crashed for a few hours, and now I'm about to go crash again. I've been SO tired lately... I guess from all the work on my mom's room. Been finding myself in desperate need of sleep by 10pm. Which will need to change when I refresh myself on s5 of SPN and get to work on that Big Bang that was neglected while I was sick, and when my computer crashed.

nonsense things, shit no one cares about, life what life?, adorableness, holy fuck universe i need to sleep!

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