my day

Nov 09, 2010 20:28

Felt like crap today. Felt like crap all weekend. Wish the cold would just hit me full force and get it over with already. I've been feeling crappy in general off and on for the last month or so, and the last time that happened, I was sick from mid-November til New Year's. No, I'm not kidding. It wasn't "oh god, I'm going to die, someone put me out of my misery" the entire time (though it certainly was some of the time), but I was never without a bad cough, and stuffy nose. It made me miss out on the epic feasts my family always puts together for Thanksgiving, and Christmas.

Anyway, felt like crap, so I spent the afternoon watching movies.

Predators: wasn't bad, but I probably won't bother watching it again.

Nightmare on Elm st. (remake): not bad. Don't know how it compares to the original since I haven't actually seen it. Giggled for a bit over Katie Cassidy, being friends with a "Dean". Also, you know when is a bad time to start drifting off? When you're watching a Nightmare on Elm st. Aside from the obvious reasons, it apparently induces immense weirdness in the form of a waking dream, because I saw a fluffy, yet blood-covered bunny wearing Freddy's sweater and glove (o.O) while still being completely aware of what was going on in the movie...

Paranormal Activity: I've actually already seen this one 3 times. 4, now. I know a lot of people didn't think it was scary, but I did. Mostly because about the only thing that can make me want to dive behind the couch and never come out is a good ghost movie. I feel less silly about being freaked the fuck out by this one since I saw a 40-year-old family friend hiding behind his coat and peeking over the edge of it while we were watching...

Having seen it so many times already, it doesn't really make me jump any more (though it still gives me the willies)... what DID make me jump is when, during one of those quiet moments where you're waiting to see what's going to move next, and trying really hard to listen for footsteps, a stack of books fell off the table right next to me without any provocation...

There was a bang and there may or may not have been a scream... don't judge me...

i am afraid of the dark actually, omg wtf lol, nonsense things, shit no one cares about, life what life?

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