Oct 27, 2010 23:45
Soooo, my dad got TFUII yesterday and let me have a crack at it this afternoon. I finished it in like, 5 1/2 hours. Short game. Short, but fun, and it had me flailing going "OMG SHIP!" (...what? I love Galen/Juno), and I'm just going to pretend that this is canon, okay? Shhh, let me be content in my denial! :P
I assume this means we'll be seeing that third game they mentioned. I won't complain. As long as they remain fun to play, the ridiculousness of the story won't bother me (I wouldn't be such a fan of the RE games if it did :P), and as long as I get to keep tearing shit to pieces with the Force, I'll be happy. And also as long as I get to keep one-upping my dad and being better at his own games than he is
Also been playing Prince of Persia. Frustrating, it is. I swear, the fucker won't run along a wall when I tell him to, but when I REALLY need him to just slide down the wall so I can grab a light seed or something, he'll run along it just fine -_-... He also has this problem with jumping in the opposite direction of where I tell him to. I think the game just likes pissing me off.
I haven't finished PoP yet because I'm more of a "give me a gun/pointy object and let me kill things" gamer, and less of a "hmm, I have to jump from this particular grain of sand on a Friday the 13th, on a full moon, at midnight, while holding a lucky rabbit's foot, and doing a rain dance if I want to be able to make it to that ledge... okay, no problem!" gamer... PoP is a lot of the latter.
...Thankfully TFU let me gleefully dismember storm troopers for a few hours so I could forget my frustration with PoP :p
games: i love them i hate them,
.ship: galen/juno,
nonsense things,
shit no one cares about,
.fandom: star wars,
.fandom: misc