Satan, reincarnated in a black metal box

Oct 12, 2010 10:32

so apparently all the trouble I've been having with my computer can be attributed to my video card being on its last breaths. Not a problem, right? Considering how fast my parents and my sister switch video cards, we should have plenty lying around that aren't even all that old...

Only we don't, because apparently they're all gone. The only one that's left doesn't fit for several reasons that were all stated in computer jargon which I... don't actually understand a lot of.

So I'm stuck not being able to load Sony Vegas (which means all the videos I've been wanting to finish/start, I still can't do unless I have the patience to deal with constant lag... which I don't, because I'm not a patient person), or even work very well in photoshop. That, and everything else lags like a bitch, too. Not to the point of locking up the computer for a good 10 minutes like Vegas did, but still; lag from hell.

Also, my mom is afraid I'm just having all around motherboard problems, because things have gotten increasingly weird in areas not related to the video... And she says she can't replace a motherboard, so if that's the case, I'm just gonna have to get a new computer.

That prospect wouldn't be so bad if I didn't know that I wouldn't be getting a new computer until this one actually croaks.

You know what happened the last time my computer croaked? I lost everything because the new computer wouldn't hook up with my old harddrive and let me retrieve my stuff.

So not only would I be without a computer for weeks... there's also the possibility of the above happening again. This would so not be cool.

Ugh, I hate my luck with technology.

nonsense things, shit no one cares about, fuck this shit, life what life?, my computer is the devil

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