SPN Vid: Dean Winchester - Exile

Sep 25, 2010 20:39

Okay, so I've been spazzing all day over whether or not I'll get an extension on my Bigbang deadline, because I REALLY need one, and I can't write very well when I'm spazzing. It reads sort of like a monkey coming off a three day sugar binge wrote it... I am, however, good at channeling anxiety into vids. So I present my first completed vid in like, 6 months. It's a 6.01 recap, sorta, but it focuses solely on Dean, since he- and to some degree, Lisa- was about the only saving grace for the episode. Y'know, aside from mentions of CAS.

Anywho, vid. Been dying to use this music forever. Plan to do another one for Cas, when episode 3 airs, then they'll be a matching set.

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i procrastinate creatively, .fandom: supernatural, .fanvid

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