
Dec 10, 2015 14:30

to stop feeling anger toward someone/something
to stop blaming someone/something
to stop requiring payment of a debt

On Wednesday nights, the sister missionaries from the LDS church (the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) visit with Thomas and I -- and they teach a lesson from the either the old or new testament. Last night's lesson was about the very rich man who came to Jesus and asked how he could show his love for God - and when Jesus told him to sell everything he owned and give it to the poor - he balked. He loved his possessions more than he loved God. (Mark 10:17-31)

If you're familiar with the Bible, you'll recognize these passages and be reminded of the lesson that you can't take your earthly possessions with you into Heaven, you must show love for God and perform good works during your life. I could write more about scripture -- but I have a feeling I'd lose the majority of my intended audience.
So...onto the point I'm trying to make.

After this lesson was taught to Thomas, they asked him to draw three pictures of things he could do to show love for God. He drew a picture of one person helping another, two people hugging (giving each other love) (his words) and respecting his teachers.

I then asked him to flip the paper over and draw the worst thing a person could do. He drew a picture of a mean faced man with a gun shooting another man, who was smaller in size and with an open mouth and wide eyes.

I asked him why the man with the mean face would shoot the other man -- and he said because he was angry. I asked why he was angry, and Thomas didn't know. I asked if there was anything that this man could've done to take away his anger, before he picked up his gun and shot another man. He thought about it for a bit, and I suggested that the mean man should forgive whomever or whatever made him mad. Thomas agreed.
The sister missionaries sat there quietly for a moment. I could tell they were affected by what Thomas and I had just discussed. We talked about how if more people practiced forgiveness, a lot of the violence in every day life and the recent events in the world might've played out differently.
We moved on to different topics, and said goodnight.

This morning, I was thinking more about the conversation we had, and this came to mind.
We should forgive others for their wrongdoings. It does not need to be verbally acknowledged. Demonstrate the forgiveness in your behavior towards the wrongdoer.
Recognize that your anger might stem from your own ignorance, or inability to understand their point of view. Then you need to forgive yourself for not understanding. Try not to hold on so tightly to the idea that you are right/justified/deserving and the other is not. They are not that different from you.

I apply this to people with whom I have associations or close friendships. Some of my friends are vastly different than me. We don't have religion, politics, or family background in common. And yet, we are friends. We bond over the things that make us similar, and admire the things that makes the other unique. We decide to agree to disagree. We decide to stay away from topics that could cause arguments. That is how I can regard my friend's political leanings that make stomach churn and my blood pressure rise, and move past it. Political/religious/cultural beliefs do not ultimately define a person or limit the amount of friendships they can maintain.

A couple nights ago I got in touch with an old friend of mine to get his opinion on a recent debacule in my hometown. He offered a point of view I would not get from the media, and there were parts of the conversation where I recognized our opinions varied a great deal. Instead of arguing with him, I thanked him for talking to me and helping me to understand his point of view. He is a well respected, knowledgable person in his field -- and he can spark a lot of controversy in his stances. We are friends. I forgive myself for not completely understanding why he thinks the way he does. I will admire him for the way he treats others and conducts himself, and be happy that he is my friend. I will not judge his beliefs because they are different than mine.


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