
Nov 04, 2015 09:47

My mother told me about my father's latest interaction with the local bank.

In case you weren't aware, my father is a retired truck driver, and a farmer. He farms a few decent sized fields and makes a nice chunk of money each year. Granted, with the cost of grain, fertilizer, etc - the profit margin isn't what it used to be...but he enjoys doing it and it brings income.

He sold his beans to the local grainery, and got his check. It was a sizeable check. You could buy a new car with it. That kind of check.

He takes it into the local bank, fills out all the proper paperwork and presents it to the bank teller.

The bank teller, by my father's description, was a young lady and a relatively new employee. As my parents have had an account with this bank for decades, they notice when the employees change.

She takes his paperwork, looks at his check, and asks him the following...

"What's this for?"

Upon hearing this from my mother, I smacked my forehead with my hand. Partially because that's a stupid question, and partially because I could 100% anticipate my father's response.

My dad got peeved and replied,
"It's for the drug deal I made with Hoffman Ag."

Yep. I knew it. I knew he'd get pissed and make reference to some sort of illegal activity.

She then asked...
"Do you make these kinds of deposits often?"

Oh good God. She has just stepped into a steaming pile of Scary Larry.

My dad answered with,
"Uhhhh YEAH! When I sell my crop!!!!"

She then reminded my father that they would have to put a hold on the check for a few days to make sure the funds were available.

My dad's blood pressure continued to go up. He made some comment to the effect that she should call the bank in Marshall to make sure they had the money to cover it.

When she finally logged into my parents account she got to see that they had the funds to cover any withdrawl made against the check, even while it was held.

My dad left pissed off. My father's nature is that once he's offended, he lets the offense stew until it grows into a very stern, growly cauldren of anger and indignation.

My mother heard all this from my father, and watched the anger grow in him...and decided to say something to the manager the next day when she went in to deposit her own paycheck.

My mother is a much more calm person in the face of conflict, and would rather smooth things over than ruffle feathers, as my father is prone to do.
She reminded the manager that they have been account holders for a long time, and that my father is known for being a bit of a character. She relayed the incident to him and the manager promised to address the issue.

I'm just going to chuckle and face palm myself and hope that this turns into a little life lesson for the teller at the local bank.
When you are working at a bank in a town full of farmers, you're going to see large checks for deposit. That's just how it works. Grain is harvested all at once, delivered all at once, and paid for all at once. Farmers don't get weekly checks.

funny, wtf, family

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