Aug 07, 2015 07:48
I'm very scared for our country right now. Watching the republican debate, along with so many of my associates posting republican bullshit truly bothers me. So many people I otherwise respect and enjoy, are showing me an uninformed, herd mentality that is making me just hide their posts from my feed. Gotta maintain sanity.
I care about student loan debt. Women's rights. Universal healthcare. Well funded education for my children. Continuing employment options for my Union member husband. I have no problem paying taxes if these things can be provided to us.
I don't care who you marry. Or what you worship. Immigration is not our biggest problem. Neither is foreign policy. Please stop the wars and fund our own nation.
Improve our infrastructure. Our power system is held together with duct tape.
Legalize drugs and tax the shit out of them.
Ok. Done for now. I can't convince my friends to change their minds. I don't want to debate them. I will vote for those who represent me. I will communicate with those who represent me and let them know if they are doing their job well.
I do not want to nor will I engage anyone in debate.