What is on my mind

Oct 18, 2008 08:40

I was nervous yesterday because I had a phone interview for a position at Notre Dame.  I think it went okay, but not great.  Especially at the beginning of the interview, I was almost babbling.  I felt like there were words coming out of my mouth in no cohesive order.  I really had a flash of that Miss Teen South Carolina and wondered how close to it I was.  But, things did get better from about mid-point on. I agreed with the way that the Director (the person who interviewed me) saw judicial affairs and it seemed like he understood my perspective as well.  I don't know though. I know it is just one job and if it does not work out, then that is okay because there are other jobs out there.  I am trying to let the whole thing go but I still keep thinking about it.  They are doing 9 phone interviews and will be inviting 2 or 3 people to campus. I will find out about the on campus around October 28.

In other news, trying not to think about the stuff above(...wait, still thinking about it...stop brain!), Rufus, John and I are going to a costume party tonight.  John is ketchup, I am mustard, and Rufus has this awesome hot dog costume that was $10 at Target. I only wish we could have gotten Dr. Pepper some sort of relish costume.  John and I are just making ours...he made the awesome looking label that looks just like the Heinz ketchup label that we are going to iron on to a red shirt we bought at the store.  Same thing for me, except a mustard label on a yellow shirt.  The yellow shirt was much harder to find but we were successful at Target,on the clearance rack.  We will try to take a nice family picture so that it can be posted up here.
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