Humidity thy name is Texas

Jul 05, 2009 15:49

OMG the humidity is off the charts today...wish it would just rain already!

I've had a pretty busy weekend...had a BBQ to go to yesterday at the non-profit group I'm involved with, and had to bring desert, so I made magic bar cookies (using red/blue M&M's of course), a raspberry/blueberry poke cake, and some strawberries with whipped cream...can we just say sugar overload...LOL.

The BBQ was good, although I'm kinda picky about my meat, and I don't like preformed hamburgers, so I was stuck with Hot Dogs - yeah I know...prolly a whole lot worse stuff in the hot dog, but you know it at least tastes like it is supposed to - those preformed patties are just gross tasting to me...and they are anyway, had a couple o hot dogs, mustard and relish only thank you...and some canned baked beans (not so good, but hey they were at least there!), and some pretty good homemade potatoe salad...there is just something about hot dogs done on a grill that just makes them soooo much good!

We had some good conversations....and I think I might have gotten people interested in tie dying some shirts....I love tie dyed shirts...they are fun, and you can't be the bonding that takes place while trying to get it just right!  Anyway, will have to wait and see on that one, cuz it's too HOT right now to do much of anything outdoors except well, sit and sip Cuervos...ahhh

Today was spent trying to find patriotic stuff on sale....let me just say - not a whole lot of stuff to choose from....Walmart didn't have a lot of stuff to begin with, and Walgreens was even to hit up the dollar stores and Michaels....hopefully they will have something!  We are doing our annual basket for the non-profit I am involved with - and we decided to do an Americana Theme....we have a Red/White/Blue Quilt, and some beach towels so far...and from there I'm not sure what else it will have...

Breakfast today was spent looking thru ads and doing the puzzles....and then home to the oven, to sit and bake...until 6:30 when I can turn the A/C hot and humid...thank goodness there are fans in my life....Now if I could just get a solar power panel for them, I would be ohhh so happy...

I've been researching how to start my own Not-for-profit group....looks pretty simple, but need to get some funds before I can really do anything with need to think up some fund-raising ideas that would at least get the start up money in place...then I can look for grants/incentives/etc.....then hopefully by this time next year, the thing will be up and running!  Wish me luck!

So, tonight, I am off to another BBQ, this one a friends, so food should be better...or at least homemade not canned/preformed...LOL...I know picky picky...

So how was your weekend?

non-profits, 4th of july

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