What to write. I want to keep this going as frequently as I can. Doesn't matter if I don't write anything important: I just need to keep my thoughts somewhere and not always in my head. Good and bad thoughts both. Today I have good thoughts.
Last night, Theo and I went to sushi with some old high school friends plus a new friend. I thought that we were meeting a guy named Sushil at a sushi house was rather amusing, although I also didn't want to point out the obvious. Then we went to Tee's parents' house and decorated their tree. It was real and rather sharp. We went home and I wrote instead of doing homework, as we got an extension on our final in Children's Illustration to next Wednesday. I should really be working on painting my sculpture/ doing dishes/ doing laundry/ et cetera, but I'm just chillin' for now.
On a more personal note, let me introduce you to my kitties. Theo and I have three cats after living together for one year. That might seem like a lot, but they get along surprisingly well and there will be no more coming into the household for quite a while; three is enough for me. Theo thinks that he wants to get a Chow when we move into a proper house but I'm kinda trying to drag my heels on that one for as long as possible. I've never had a dog before, but I watched Nick and Amanda have one and it wasn't that enjoyable. I don't want to deal with training, having to walk it and pick up steaming poo, have to have a curfew solely because of a pet. Maybe someday, but I just don't like the idea of moving into a house, getting married, then buying an expensive animal. Financially speaking.
Anyway. I'm gonna talk about my cats instead.
First we got Loki, a black and white ASH female. She has a big butt and meows a lot, but she is a sweet bebe. She can be a bit of the push over with the two younger cats and will stop playing if interrupted.
Then we got Fawkes, a grey and white Persian dollface male. He is a bit of a drama queen and goes from one extreme to the other. He's the most affectionate of our cats and loves Theo best, but he can be very moody and grumpy sometimes. He has the biggest, softest paws and a pretty coat that tends to knot easilly.
Last but not least, Pixie, a black ASH female. She had the appearance of a large kitten, with a small, sweet face and a big, long tail. She is very curious and playful but can sometimes be a shit disturber with the other cats. Has wanted to wrestle Fawkes since day one and has never let up. I'd classify the two as "frenemies". She is my baby and tends to shadow me around the apartment and lay with me when I'm drawing or working.
Fawkes, Pixie, and Loki.