Made another attempt to get at the dancing Yoda on my RotS DVD, which once again failed. I'm starting to get really irritated at that DVD. Consoled myself by watching various scene, and while watching the Mustafar duel an idea for the
pt100's Certain Point of View challenge hit me.
They say any time a Jedi ignites a laser sword in your area, you can say goodbye to your walls and ceilings. But did those two have to set the volcano off?
We lost a whole rig thanks to them. Countless droids burnt up, and a lot of profits lost, and money spent in repairs. Though the first Jedi only left a few frayed wires and annoying dead bodies. But then a second had to come along. One of them's bad enough, but when there's's a wonder anything was left standing.
I won't miss that Order. No sir.