I apologize, I'm really procrastinating on homework again.
When whenever you hear a pun, you instantly think, "That's one worthy of Jack Aubrey."
You use the phrase "the lesser of two weevils" whenever you can(most people don't hear what they don't expect to, and hear you says "evils" instead, so you can get away with it all too easily.)
You can use the word "seamen" without having any dirty thoughts whatsoever.
And by the way, the "seamen" jokes get old really quickly. Occasionally someone like Robin Williams can deliver one well, but...
Whenever you hear a piece of classical music, you try to imagine it played on a single violin and cello.
You live in America, but you automatically pronounce "Lieutenant" as "Left-tenant."
While deleting spam from your mailbox, you note it's a very good thing Jack didn't live today. He'd fall sucker to every one of them.
When your mom asks you about times for a movie, you replying, "Which it is playing at..."
You see the words "Catalan folk songs" written on the blackboard in the choir room, and wish there was a chance they were there for the benefit of some class you happen to be in.
You are delighted when you wander onto the
lyric_xchange and someone has just posted REO Speedwagon's "Can't Fight This Feeling" i.e. the slashy ballad of Jack and Stephen.
You read about the Romans thought having a lot of sex(and overindulgence in general) were signs of effeminacy, and your thoughts immediately go to what they would think of Jack.