Sep 14, 2005 03:06
It's been about two months since I posted something, which means that I was either a.)incredibly busy doing awesome things, or b.)just really lazy and nothing was happening in my life worth mentioning. I'm not sure which one it is.
Too much stuff happened, or maybe didn't happen, for me to try to catch things up, so I'll just pretend there was no lapse.
I'm taking two philosophy seminars this semester. One of them is on globalization and capitalism, and the other is called "comparative methodology," so people think I'm extra smart when I say I'm taking that one. The actual content of the class deals with stuff like relativism/objectivism, truth, Foucault (of course), and other methodological approaches to examining other cultures. There aren't any final papers or midterms in the methodology class, just weekly response papers that are 1-3 pages, so I'm thinking that this two-seminar thing might be doable. It's tons of reading, though, so I've had to drop a class. I went for Human Rights and Politics, which is odd because before the semester, I was most excited to go to that one. A combination of factors made me choose it as the one to get rid of. This will be my first semester with no Political Science credits, but it looks like I've put myself back on track for a Philosphy adn Poli Sci double major.
My Black Music class has been pretty cool so far. In today's class, we moved past the traditional African songs and work songs that we were studying to some early blues stuff. The professor played some Robert Johnson and Blind Lemon Jefferson, which was really cool, even though I had heard all of it before. I think my problem with the class is that music, and blues music in particular because of the direct emotional connections it makes with me, is the thing that I really don't want to intellectualize. I'm always wanting to talk about the music itself; styles, the performers, the effect of the music on listeners, the stories behind the songs, etc. We end up examining blues from a more sociological standpoint, though, so we'll spend most of the time talking about things like the development of Afro-American culture and society. It is certainly all interesting, but I guess I would prefer a more direct engagement with the music, especially considering that I'm taking two philosophy classes and a Chinese and Japanese literature/philosophy course. I could use something concrete that grounds me.
So that's the school situation right now. I'm going to maybe go to a radio show broadcast with my suitemate now.