Feb 08, 2007 15:15
Or in it's original German: Ein unwiderstehlicher Sog des Erzählens.
Google's translator be limitless funny.
Watched the SuperBowl last weekend over at my buddy Dan's place. He's got a 60" plasma with a HD signal feeding into it. It really makes a difference when you can see the individual rain drops and blades of grass on the field, not to mention the wierd headcloth that the Once and Future Prince was wearing to keep his hair dry.
I never cared for Prince in my youth. I might have seen an album of his on the shelves of a long forgotten Turtle's music store at some point. Probably while looking for a "Poison" album. I'm sure the thought "uh, gay" came to me, and I moved on.
But after my wife forced me to watch the final episode of American Idol last year, I've been an ardent fan of his. There's something to be said about dicking around the producers of the highest rated piece of shit TV show in the universe. The guy showed up at the absolute last minute, strolled in and reminded the audience what talent sounds like, and walked out. Sure he looks like a cheap tranvestite hooker, but the boy can sing and play.
On a vastly different note. My employer, Bellsouth, a once behemoth Baby Bell, is now part of gargautuan AT&T, which I can live with. Bellsouth was a minor political player, never showing up much in the news. It donated the lease of a jet to the Democrat Gephardt's presidential nomination campaign, that's about as newsworthy as it's contributions went.
Now however, AT&T has joined Wal-Mart in a push for Universal health coverage. This I cannot live with.
I felt nauseated coming to work today. I'm not sure I can sustain full productivity potential in that work place anymore, if I ever could. I think I'll have to settle on the bare mininum and concetrate on getting a job at an employer who isn't trying offload it's health benefits liabiltiy onto the general public.
If it's one thing I've learned about big business, it's they think like and love big government. All that talk about regulations interfering with the creativity and weatlh production of free markets is bullshit. Non-compete clauses, interdepartmental personell transfers frozen, and much more have convinced me that most big corporations are not allies of supply-siders. Rather they play to whining of the left and the vanity of the right, sort of like politicians do.
With these heavyweights in the ring, combined with Hillary and a Democrat congress, I suppose socialized medecine is a sure thing. Pretty soon we'll be like Canada. We'll have to wait hours for a bed to deliver a baby, maybe days as in xome cases...months for an MRI, years for knee surgery...and if we try to go to a doctor besides the one appointed for us, and pay out of our own pocket, we shall go to jail. It's already happening in Canada. You do know, of course, who can pay for the services of a more qualified doctor if they wish and be free of the long arm of the mounty...members of Parliament.
This is gonna suck