Spooky goings on.......

Dec 20, 2003 20:06

so... me and my lil bruv decided to go investigating again. we really wanna get into this abandoned building. you may ask why? claim its stupid...pointless even but to be fair, its free and i love sneaking around in the dark....especially when theres a chance u might spot a ghost...dun dun dun.

Basically after trying to gain entry from the side of the railway and failing (impossible to reach without a ladder or somethin)

we trudged off around to the back entrance. From being a small kid i have always found this part of the building a bit scarey, it leads onto the woods and we would always go past it in order to go climb trees and feed the mad horses living further up the path.
The reason why i dont like it is that there is a swamp or sorts that makes weird noises and looks pretty darn gross. to get access to the mill we needed to cross near the swamp. with it being dark i took pictures so we could look and see what to expect.
The thing is....when we looked with our torches we could see the swamp and the fence in front, all was clear, during the day all is clear but in the picture....

i know what your thinking....its just smoke, (hey im with u, i dont usually go around claiming i believe in ghosts). well that may be true but when i took a picture again, immediately after....

NOTHING....i dont care if it was jus smoke, i didn ike it so we ran. wimps...yeah i guess but it was funny!
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