
May 30, 2008 21:32

I was going to study but well I am lazy and a procrastinator so I decided blogging was more fun.

Studying, that's sad I am not even in school, well not technically speaking, although I have been in school so to speak several times this week and will be next week.

Now all I need is a stinkin permanent placement and I'd be all set. We'll see I guess, in God's time and all I suppose. I have been very busy lately bewteen the wedding last week, subbing this week, wegmans, and being pastor barb. My friends, and fam, and life. I am also slightly sick. I wouldn't trade my life for the world though I am blessed, and I love the people in my life.

I was reading today in Romans 13 10-11

10Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.  11And do this, understanding the present time. The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. 12The night is nearly over; the day is almost here.

anyway after reading this I am challenged to be fully functioning in love, everything else is secondary. Love is the primary thing, and we so often miss it. I had a weird experience at momentum last week, I felt like everything was going wrong, but as I read this, I kind of realize that the main thing is love, and teaching love, and I practice it.

so yeah that's all I got for today a bunch of random ramblings, hope someone got something out of it....
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