Touchyng the memoriall of Thomas Hytten, remayneth nothing in writyng, but onely hys name, saue that William Tyndall in his Apologie agaynste More: and also in an other booke, entituled, The Practise of Prelates, dooth once or twise make mention of hym by waye of digressiō. He was (saith he) a preacher at Maidston, whom the Bishop of Canterbury Williā Warham, and Fisher bishop Rochester, after they had lōg kept and tormēted hym in prison with sundrye tormentes, and that notwithstanding, he continued constant, at the last they burned at Maidstone, for the constant and manifest testimonie of Iesu Christe, and of his free grace & saluation. In the yeare of our Lord. 1530.