Favorite Fics - General Angst

Aug 07, 2008 19:12

General Angst - The definition of Angst in the dictionary contains the synonym Gundam Wing. Like romance, there are many angst fics. The characters in this series just bleed angst, and we fanficcers adore it. Mostly. Now, angst can come from many sources, so be sure to check the main intent of the story first. Such as a prison fic infused with NCS and torture is angst-filled, but it probably is best found in the NCS/Violence category. But, a story where life is getting the protagonist down (break-up, lost job, dog died, best friend moved away), that is general angst and fits right in here. Title and LinkAuthorRating/Pairing/Warnings
Being ThereSunhawkNC-17, Heero/Duo, Angst, alcoholism, POV, drama, language, mild abuse of the AA kind
Beyond the Road I'm Driving MerithHeero/Duo, (mention)Trowa/Quatre, AU, Angst, drama, hints of alcoholism, mention of sex, mild violence
Quote Normal ArsenicR, Heero/Duo, (mention) Trowa/Quatre, Quatre/OCs, Angst, fluff, language, sexual situations/themesUp in Smoke MerithR, Quatre, Duo (friendship), AU, language, angst, violence (of the war kind), the appearance of deathMemorial RalethaPG-13, Trowa/Quatre, light sexual theme, drama, angstUndone AlleyprowlerNC-17, Duo/Trowa, implied Heero/Duo, Trowa/Quatre, Angst, sexual themes/situations, Quatre torture, dramaTorments of the Dragon RuthNC-17, Trowa/Quatre, various others, Angst, drama, mention of NCS, language, character death (non-pilot)Sweets for the Sweet Lady BastNC-17, Trowa/Quatre, Angst, drama, sexual situations/themes, physical illnessSlipping into Tired and Pane to PainMerithPG-13, gen mostly, Angst, depression, hint of sapLoved Eternally AnnePG, Trowa/Quatre, Angst, Implied death, POV, romanceBabylon Hillary FoxPG-13, Heero/Duo, Trowa/Quatre, Angst, POV, waffIn the Interest of Security Windsor BlueR, gen, POV, heavy angst, languageA Horse And His Boy @ GWAErin CaycePG-13, gen, POV, mention of child abuse, a little smooching, and general pre-teen angstCuring Homosexuality @ GWAErin CayceR, Duo/OC, Angst, language, POV, sexual situations/themes, mild violenceTangled Up in Blue SintariNC-17, Duo/Quatre, Trowa/Quatre, Heero/Duo, AU, Angst, (past) NCS, sexual situations/themes, violence, abuse, implied D/s, languageNothing Like the Sun @ GWASol 1056NC-17, Quatre/OCs, mentions of various others, Angst, het, language, violence, sexual situations/themes, POV CrossingLone WolfR, Heero/Duo, Duo/Hilde, Heero/Relena, Angst, POV, introspection, waffGifts of the Heart and Memories and MiraclesBecca AbbottR, Heero/Duo, mild angst, sap, languageDoubtsSunhawkR, Heero/Duo, Mild angst, sap, fluff, POV, sexual situationsSilver SunhawkR, Heero/Duo, mild angst, sap, fluff, mentions of violence and preventery things, POVAfter the fire and Twas the NightRazorqueenNC-17, Duo/Zechs, Heero/Relena, (past) Heero/Duo, Angst, sap, fluff, BDSM, bondage, kink AfterlifeTB_1157PG-13, Trowa/Quatre, Duo-centric, angst, depression ShortTB-1157PG-13, unrequited Heero/Duo, POV, angst, depression, languageLost SoldiersKrackenNC-17, Duo/Zechs, Angst, yaoi, language, violence, NCSAfterwards and Afterwards 2MerulaR, Heero/Duo, Trowa/Quatre, Wufei/Sally, Relena/Hilde, Angst, sap, POV, sexual situations/themes, language, preventernessLost and Found @ Lys ap AdinPG-13, Heero/Duo, Angst, sapGreif and the Headhunter’s RageJeiNC-17, Heero/Duo, AU, angst, death themes and situations, waff, doctor/hospital type things, anthropologyA Grudging SeductionBane’s DesireNC-17, Heero/Duo, Trowa/Quatre, Angst, sap, language, violence, missiony, sexual situations/themeSet In StoneMitsugiPG-13, Heero/Duo, angst, TWT, language, violenceGhostAchiasaNC-17, Heero/Duo, Angst, language, genital injury with medical terms, sapHabitat For Redemption @ GWARavynFyreNC-17, Heero/Duo, Angst, languagePapillionShiraR, Heero/Duo, Angst, language, preventerness, nice Relena, violenceIn Your Room and Only When I Lose MyselfSanaNC-17, Heero/Duo, Angst, sexual situations/themes, depression, sapThe Cost of Honour TrilogyCalic0catNC-17, Heero/Duo, Trowa/Quatre, Duo/Wufei (past), Angst, sap, waff, languageTin SoldiersKrackenNC-17, Heero/Duo Sexual situations/themes, language, angst, sapDuo’s DemiseDyna DeeR, Heero/Duo, Trowa/Quatre, Angst, apparent character death, POV, violence, depression, (eventual) sapMaking It WorkStorm of DreamsNC-17, Heero/Duo, Angst, depression, POV, SapBroken WarriorsPyrzmNC-17, Heero/Duo, Trowa/Quatre, Wufei/Zechs, Angst, sexual situations/themes, BDSM themes, bondage, voyeurism, language, mentions of NCS, sapDon't CryTziganeNC-17, Heero/Duo, Angst, NCS, violence, OZ prison torture, sapGenesisAshkaraNC-17, Heero/Duo, Trowa/Quatre, AU, fantasy, language…expect any/everythingIon SeriesSunhawkNC-17, Heero/Duo, Trowa/Quatre, Wufei/Sally, Heavy Angst, Vivid Injuries, Self-inflicted injuries, Attempted NCS, language, depression, sexual situations/themes, sap, waffAxiomatic & Additive IdentityJeiR, Heero/Duo, Angst, missiony, some sexual situations/themes, playing with the zero system, waffRecoveryDC LoganR, Heero/Duo, Angst, NCS, prison torture, hurt/comfortWitness ProtectionSnowdragonCTNC-17, Heero/Duo, Trowa/Quatre, AU, angst, POV, language, violence, missiony, sexual situations/themes, *Incomplete*Touch the WorldJeiNC-17, Heero/Duo, Angst, missiony, language, sexual situations/themes, violence, fluffApres la GuerreWaterlilylfNC-17, Heero/Duo (past, working towards another get-together), Trowa/Quatre, Wufei/Zechs, (past) Duo/Trowa, Angst, missiony, fluff, language, sexual situations/themes, *Incomplete*Cherished, Abandoned, and RescuedCarolineNC-17, Heero/Duo, Angst, language, sexual situations/themes, fluffThe ClaimRazorqueenNC-17, Duo/Zechs, Wufei/Treize, AU, angst, sexual situations/themes, semi-slave themeJust a WeddingBleedtoBlueR, Duo/Zechs, Heero/Relena, (past) Heero/Duo, Angst, Sap, *Incomplete*Death and the Dragon ArcMel and ChristyNC-17, Duo/Wufei, Heero/Relena, Trowa/Quatre, (past) Heero/Duo, Angst, depression, language, sap, violence *incomplete in later parts*

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general angst, moderator post

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