I am not trying to pressure anyone - much - but I do want the recs posted to be as holistic as possible. The collection of fic recommendations has been fantastic, and there is some variety, but I know there's so many more fics out there being missed!
If you can take a few minutes to find some of those fics you have loved, link them under their genre type for
the favorite fic poll. Also, pimp the open rec to your friends and allies (or enemies even), and bring us more fic! The more, the better.
the definitions for each genre:
Adventure/Operations/Politics - Rather obvious, but just in case: any and/or all that fit this category more than any other, even if there is romance or citrus or violence. If it’s more adventure or political intrigue than hugs and kisses, it belongs here.
Amnesia - Regardless of what other category a story might fall under, if there’s memory loss, then it belongs here as well.
Citrus - This is a softer way of saying PWP, as in, gimme lemon, gimme smex. Who cares what else is happening.
Cross Over - Obvious, but… this realm of storytelling puts the boys in another fandom world or the other fandom world makes a visit of its own. Heero at Hogwarts? Duo battling homunculi? Quatre in Wonderland? Mulan giving Wufei a hard time? Let us know about these favorites!
Domestic/Mpreg - Family men or women, house, home, babies and children, and generally trying to make life work. Again, these stories might fit under another genre as well, but be sure to hit this category too!
Drugs/Addiction/Aphrodisiac - Beating the habit or giving into one, mind altering or libido freeing (aphrodisiac) lay the best story you know on the comm. We can handle it. (I can find some good 12 step programs for us if not!)
Fantasy/Fairy Tales - I combined these two, as they’re close to the same thing, and separating them might dilute the possibilities. Whether it’s dragons and elves, sprites or magic casters, damsels in distress and their knights in shining armor, the three little pigs or Rapunzel, let us have those fics made of ether and dreams.
Ficlets - There are a LOT of brilliant short story fics out there. These are stories that are generally less than two thousand words, and usually less than a thousand. Sometimes, a quick bite is all a reader is looking for. So don’t be shy with those recs in this category! The genre doesn’t matter; anything goes here. The only stipulation is all fics have to be roughly two thousand words or less. (No, you don’t have to count them, but the story should be on the shortish side).
Furry/Anthro/Zoomorphism - Should be obvious, but just in case. These stories are about men (or women) blended into animal forms of some type, or are pure animal/shape-shifters. Whether the story also crosses into other category areas is irrelevant. If the guy or gal is partially morphed or can fully change into a beastie, let us know about it!
General Romance - The romance is strong in GW (at least, we believe so), and there are thousands and thousands of fic that back up that claim. But, romance is the name of this category, and that’s what we wanna see here. Romance of one person showing his (or her) love for another, those tender feelings apparent or not, but felt all the same.
General Angst - The definition of Angst in the dictionary contains the synonym of Gundam Wing. Like romance, there are many angst fics. The characters in this series just bleed angst, and we fanficcers adore it. Mostly. Now, angst can come from many sources, so be sure to check the main intent of the story first. Such as a prison fic infused with NCS and torture is angst-filled, but it probably is best served in the NCS/Violence category. But, a story where life is getting the protagonist down (break-up, lost job, dog died, best friend moved away), that is general angst and fits right in here.
Genderbender/Cross Dressing - Oh my lovely guilty secret, how I ♥ thee! Whether the boys (or girls) turn out to be girls (or boys), turn into boys or girls, or just like to dress up like they are, hit us with your best shot. These stories cross all genre boundaries from mission operations to power differentials, but if he’s in a dress, or she’s really a boy - link it here!
Historical - Should be obvious, but… these stories would have to be AUs, whether they occur in our present, or modern past, or they occur in the GW/AC past. A Western or a WWII fic, something from the Renaissance (not fantasy/fairy tale), or even the building of the colonies or Heero Yuy’s peace keeping attempts, if it smells ancient, it is and belongs here.
Humor - Have a snickerfic, spoof, or just a darn funny story to share? Then let us know about it here. This is one of those areas where other genres will intrude, but the overall mood of the fic should be humor. It should amuse and make us laugh (or at least go aww). It should not bring a person down at any point.
Long Stories / Multi-Arcs - Have a favorite long, LONG story or a multi-part arc that takes hours and hours if not days to read? Share! Doesn’t matter the genre, just the length. These stories should be over 100 thousand words, if not more, or are multiple arc type stories (Murder of the Crows comes to mind here. Many stories linked in an arc, though the single ‘story’ wouldn’t quality on its own, it does together.).
Mental Illness - Oh the recesses of my mind, how you play me. Is he crazy? Is she unbalanced? Or maybe, just maybe it’s a set up, and all of the earth’s sphere is against him.
NCS/Violence - Rape, torture, non-con, you know, the usual. ;) The story doesn’t have to have it graphically laid out; implied is more than acceptable. The story doesn’t have to have all elements listed either, one or more is fine for this category.
Ordinary: School - If the story takes place in, on, around a school, this is the category to put your link. Of course, any number of other genres can be happening within the storyline; just remember school=here.
Ordinary: Various - Rather a general catch all, miscellaneous category of sorts. If a story has generally everything (even the kitchen sink) is of a general friendship without meeting other category criteria, then it fits here.
Physical Illness/Deathfic - *shivers* I am really bad with deathfic. I shy away from them like the plague, and can honestly say I’ve read less than a dozen in total in all my years in reading fanfiction. However, some physical illness fics do not bother me, and I’m hoping this category will be well represented.
Power Differentials - Masters and slaves, Kings and vassals, Princes and paupers, (and their feminine counterparts), prostitution, these stories have one character holding the reins, the life and boy of another - or so they sometimes think. Give us those characters in charge, those BDSM players, commanding another for love, hate, or the joy of doing so. Give us those fics where a prince falls for a street urchin, and how the differences in their stations pit one against the other (or not).
Science Fiction - Such an exciting genre category! So much potential to explore - like Star Trek, seeing new worlds of a fanficcers mind. Link us to the stories with techno advances, spaceship travel, alien adventures, artificial life forms, and time travel jaunts. Even if there’s a bit of smooching, or violence, or political intrigue, if it has a sci-fi element in it, link it here, too!
Supernatural - Otherworldly, mediums and fortunetellers, spirits and spiritual oddities, ghosts and spooks, zombies, wraiths and ghouls, Ouija the names of those fics here! (I feel like I’m repeating myself, but want to make sure it’s covered) This category could overlap with other categories, so be sure to cross-post or post to the genre that makes the most sense.
Vampires & Lycanthropes - Werewolves and vampires, romantically linked or mortal enemies, bring us links for one and all. Gotta love those sexy bloodsuckers! And according to Duo, sex with a werewolf is very satisfying! This category could overlap with other categories, so be sure to cross-post or post to the genre that makes the most sense.