New to the Group

Mar 20, 2008 16:31

Hi, my name is Sam. I joined this group a while ago but finally got around to actually making my list. It took me about 2 days to compile it, and I'm excited to begin. I've borrowed a few ideas from various lists in the community that I thought would be fun to try.

100 Things to Accomplish in 1001 days
(must be completed by Wednesday, December 15, 2010)

1) Sponsor a child through Christian Children’s Fund
2) Plant a tree
3) Write a real, lengthy letter to a friend (snail mail!)
4) Develop old cameras I’ve had since eighth grade
5) Learn a new song to play on the piano
6) Write in my (paper) journal every day for two weeks
7) Attend church on Sunday morning
8) Start a dream journal - keep it going for at least a week
9) Keep my cell phone off for one week
10) Get rid of all clothes I haven’t worn in a year
11) Unsubscribe from useless junk mail
12) Vote in the 2008 Presidential Election
13) Plan and take part in a good April Fools Day/Senior Prank
14) Donate 1/3 of my books to the library’s book sale
15) Have a real monopoly tournament (finish game!)
16) Read five classics (AKA Mom’s list)
17) Learn how to knit/crochet
18) See a play or musical
19) Go one month without eating food from Barber’s
20) Donate blood to the Red Cross
21) Buy a new shirt/pants for work
22) Reach goal weight of XXX
23) Solve a Rubik’s cube
24) Learn how to cook 3 new things
25) Drink the actual 8 glasses of water every day for a month
26) Run for secretary of LHS student council
27) Write a lengthy story
28) Buy a new (working!) scale
29) Get on the treadmill for 30 every day minutes for a week
30) Go one week without watching TV
31) Floss teeth every night for a month
32) Read the Lord of the Rings trilogy
33) whiten my teeth
34) Buy Proactive…or something that works equally well
35) Get a psychic reading
36) Clean out iTunes of music I don’t listen to anymore
37) Get a pet!
38) Get into my first choice college
39) Make a new hemp bracelet/anklet
40) Read three biographies of people that interest me
41) Organize CD collection into alphabetical order
42) Organize books into alphabetical order
43) Learn how to properly apply eyeliner
44) Leave inspirational notes in 7 library books
45) Re-read the entire Harry Potter series
46) Buy the first season of Boy Meets World on DVD
47) Keep all dishes out of the sink for a week
48) Decorate three friends’ lockers on their birthdays
49) Be vegetarian for a week
50) Go an entire day without speaking once
51) Learn how to sell things on EBay
52) Find out my blood type
53) Donate 1,000,000 grains of rice through
54) Buy and replace all bras and underwear
55) Go without soda for 3 months
56) Go to a movie at the drive-in theater
57) Put together a surprise care package for a friend.
58) Go dancing in the rain
59) Pay for a random-someone’s order behind me in a drive-thru.
60) Bake something to bring into work
61) Go one full consecutive week without spending money.
62) Get people aware about recycling at work
63) Drink only black coffee/no coffee at all for a month
64) Take part in a HOMEMADE secret Santa
65) Watch Citizen Kane
66) Don’t eat fast food for 3 months
67) Avoid the computer for 2 weeks
68) Re-learn my US states and capitals
69) Replace all of my old make-up
70) Go to 3 concerts
71) Create a list of 50 things I like about myself and my life
72) Make coasters out of old magazines
73) Make a smoothie with the Ultimate Chopper
74) Meditate every morning for a week
75) Get a professional massage
76) Learn the alphabet in ASL
77) Eat tofu
78) Send in a secret to Post Secret
79) Pump my own gas
80) Visit family in another part of the country
81) Pierce ears for a third time
82) Get a meaningful tattoo
83) Go to another country
84) Hit 1000 songs in my iTunes library
85) Eat something I’ve never tried before
86) Learn to juggle with 3 balls
87) Buy a lottery ticket
88) Recycle my old cell phones
89) Go an entire week without cursing.
90) Discover five new favorite bands and share with others
91) Eat an apple a day for two weeks
92) Fill up a jar with change without spending any
93) Make Christmas cards
94) Do fifty crunches a night for 3 consecutive weeks
95) Convince Mom to use canvas grocery bags.
96) Start and finish a 1000 piece puzzle.
97) Attach album art to all my music in iTunes
98) Take my parents out to dinner
99) Read and return all borrowed books
100) Pay $5 to charity for every task uncompleted
101) Convince a friend make a 101 list
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