Hey guys!

Oct 10, 2009 00:28


School has been a pain. The homework is near unbearable (okay, i confess, thats a major exageration but still, we do have a lot of homework) and my teachers (except for Ms. Corrigan) suck and then its been rainy. On the bright side however, we have a Halloween party coming up. Awesome huh? Yeah, me and a bunch of my friends are gonna go and hang out and make fun of the DJ (if there is one). It's gonna be cool.

Also, today i had a dream that Africa was invading and killing everyone and we were all gonna die. Then i woke up and was like "Okay it was just a stupid nightmare. GO back to sleep, its only five." and i went back to sleep. Then my nightmare started again and my friends got me killed. It sucked.

Then today in class we talked about how North Korea wants to kill us. Brilliant. Whats with all the weapons of mass distruction? Couldnt we stick with swords and snowballs?

That's about it. I fell down the stairs again and then i fell into the washer (long story.)

Surprisingly, today has been a good day.


north korea, washer, school sucks

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