Nov 11, 2005 02:10
So I'm officially happy with my layout and icon. Nothing special, but it'll do. It's like at the end of BABE where the farmer looks at him and says "That'll do Pig. That'll do." And everyone gets really happy. Kinda bummed that you can't change the comment links in S2 w/out a paid account, but I'll get over it.
Overall decent day. Still looking for a job. Took Rob to anger management. Talked to John, MJ, and Ed all within like an hour. Johns supposed to be up here tomorrow so we'll see how that goes. Ed's gonna try and get me a job. And MJ? Hmm.. just somebody to talk to.
Made Lisa an info-box for MySpace. I need to re-do that layout too, I'm just not up for the challenge tonight.
::Yaaaaawn:: I have so much to write about and a severe lack of energy. Maybe thats because it's 2:15am and I know I have to be up at like 9am tomorrow?
Alas... there's officially ELEVEN days until RENT premieres in theatres and I cannot wait. And among other things, I think my pillow is calling my name.