Oct 02, 2004 09:35
So yesterday me and bobby went to a cemetery in Memphis that supposedly has alot of paranormal activity. The second we pulled in my head started to pound (somethin else happened too, but im not puttin that in here, u can ask me if u wanna know.) Bobby also said his head started to hurt aswell. So we go out and started walkin around. I was really drawn to the old part of the cemetery for some reason. Most of the stones werent really readable, and alot of them had fallen over. But towards the back there is a big huge granite ball sitting on a monument. Its a big huge family plot. I think the most recent stone was from 1854. I was comfortable with my surroundings at first. I snapped some pics, (they will be up as soon as i get my computer at home reformatted so i can get on the internet) and after paying alot of attention to the ball for about 10 minutes, we hit the voice record on bobbys phone. You could hear a womans voice that wasnt mine. We heard a little girl screaming, and there was no one around. There was no way there could have been anyone around either because in the back of the cemetery (where we were) there was a drop off of about 25 feet and there was no one on the bottom. Then we heard some one knocking on the tree above us. It wasnt a wood pecker. this was like a knock like how u would knock on someones door that u know. like a playful knock. It was VERY odd. So we left and went to another cemetery, nothing real exrodinary. The most recent stone on there was from like 1879. I took some pics, the only one that stood out was of a stone that was blurred. I mean EVERYTHING was blurred except for the date the person died. So anyways, me and Bobby left, and went to go meet up with Steve and Tony. At about dusk we went back to the cemetery in Memphis. Things got real wierd. I swear I felt like someone was following me around and it was very cold in the spot I was drawn to earlier in the day. Steve took some pics, and holy shit. There were so many orbs it looked like it was snowing. When i got home last night i was looking at the pics that were taken earlier in the day, and the one I took of the ball, there is a person standing next to me (in the reflection) that was very tall, had a ponytail and he was facing me. (now i know this couldnt be bobby cuz hes not that much taller than me and hes got a shaved head) not to mention i swear to god there is a face in the trees that gave me the chills. So we are gonna go back tonight and check some more stuff out. Im gonna grab a tape recorder and go sit by myself and ask questions and see what happens!